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Report Albums on Wrong Artist Page

Report Albums on Wrong Artist Page

Right now we don't have a great way to collect information about errors in our data from our users in an actionable format. This was one key learning from Line-In, and something that we would look to improve with future features.
If you're an artist and your music  ends up on a different artist profile, or if another artist’s music appears on your profile, we can get that fixed for you quickly. You have two options for addressing these errors—either reach out to your distributor or label and follow their instructions, or contact the Spotify for Artists support team and let us know that there’s music on the wrong artist profile. We’ll follow up quickly to get the details we need to correct the error.

You can report mismatched content if you see it live on Spotify, but we recently made it easier for you to catch these errors before they’re visible to listeners: you can see upcoming releases within your Catalog in Spotify for Artists. If you notice an incorrect release there—or you don’t see a release that you were expecting—you can follow the same steps as above.


We’re working with distributors and labels to implement solutions that improve the accuracy of our catalog. There are millions of artists on Spotify delivering over 20,000 tracks per day, so it’s likely that there are artists out there with the same or similar names. We recommend using a distributor that enables you to deliver music with a specified artist ID so it's added to the right artist page and there is no guesswork. We've highlighted preferred distributors who are using best practices to reduce metadata problems.



1,133 Replies


I dont have my artist page but the name sould be donny

The band I manage, Moral Support, has one of their singles appropriately catalogued, but their second single, Too Close, has been catalogued under another band by the name Moral Support. Linking below.


This single (album, by Spotify's terminology) has been misplaced under another band's page.


This is the profile under which my band's single has been placed. Somehow, the profile art is also that of my band's latest release.

I appreciate the help!

This album is on my artists page - but it is not this artist album, would be gratefull if it could be moved to its own artist



This album is now attributed to Juju and Jordash separately. It should go with Juju & Jordash (group name) and their other releases:


This song is created by a Rapper named UnHuman but got put under the Band named unhuman instead.

Please check this song:



This is not as named "Indische Waterlelies by Efteling" but "African Beat from Bert Kaempert".

The Carlos Valdes credited for this song is incorrect and should be a different artist who doesn't have a page. 



This album “My Summer 17” does not belong on this Christian artist page JMIAH. Please fix


This album is on the wrong artist page;


I'm not sure where the album should go

  1. Link to the Spotify Album that is misplaced:
  2. Link to the Spotify Artist page where the album should go:
    Artist page for this artist doesn't exist, but they're not

  1. Link to the Spotify Album that is misplaced:
  2. Link to the Spotify Artist page where the album should go:
    Artist page for this artist doesn't exist, but they're not

Your distributor can fix this problem by contacting Spotify on your behalf. 

Please tweet @spotifycares we will be happy to fix this issue with wrong
artist info

This song (whirl) is a collaboration between artists sweeep and Valdemar, but is attributed to the wrong Valdemar. It should be attributed to this Valdemar: spotify:artist:6GIRJuw3hVsOb4O2Na2NEv

Thanks in advance
Best, Ben




Taking a look now

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Our song "Love to Hate" is thrown under the Artist "Night Howls". Our band name is "The Night Howls". We have no artist page currently as we are now clumped under "Night Howls".

With our single already out and our album coming out Friday October 27th, I'd like to get this addressed quickly. 


 <iframe src="" width="300" height="380" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> is in the wrong artist page for "the Creatures." While they have the same name, they aren't the same as the later version, that's shown even with a picture on Spotify. 


The Creatures page on Spotify that this album is under is for the English band -


What was released today and triggered an email alerting for the wrong band was by a 1960's Irish band -



1 - my album:

2 - Should be linked to this artist profile: but is linked to a homonym artist.

3 - My publisher, Spinnup, already sent two separation requests, but it was not solved yet. Please help me.


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