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Request for Sensitivity in Content Recommendations for Ukrainian Users

Request for Sensitivity in Content Recommendations for Ukrainian Users

Dear Spotify,


I am writing to address a concern that has significant cultural and emotional implications for many of your users, particularly in Ukraine. As you are aware, the ongoing imperialistic russian war in Ukraine, has had profound and painful effects on the lives of millions of Ukrainians. The war, marked by severe trauma, loss, and displacement, has deeply impacted the Ukrainian people's relationship with Russian language and culture.


In this context, a lot of Ukrainian users of Spotify have reported the platform's algorithm frequently recommending Russian content. This includes users who have not previously engaged with such content or have actively avoided it. For many, the Russian language has become inextricably linked to the suffering and anguish caused by the russians. Consequently, encountering Russian content on a platform intended for entertainment and relaxation can be distressing and triggering.


While I recognize Spotify's commitment to offering a diverse range of content to its global audience, I believe it is crucial to consider the unique and sensitive situation faced by Ukrainian users. To address this, I propose the following solutions:

  1. Opt-Out Feature for Specific Content: Implement a feature allowing users to opt out of content from specific languages or regions. This will enable Ukrainian users to avoid Russian content and create a more comfortable and personalized listening experience.

  2. Sensitive Content Recommendations: Enhance the recommendation algorithm to be more sensitive to the geopolitical context. This could involve reducing the frequency of Russian content suggested to users in Ukraine or those who have a history of engaging with Ukrainian content.

  3. User Feedback Integration: Incorporate user feedback mechanisms to understand and adapt to individual preferences, especially in regions experiencing conflict or tension.

I understand that music and podcasts are universal languages that transcend borders and conflicts. However, in times of turmoil and strife, the cultural and linguistic nuances become more pronounced and carry a deeper significance. My request is not about limiting cultural exchange but about providing a safe and considerate listening environment for all your users, respecting their emotional and cultural contexts.

I hope Spotify will consider this request seriously and take steps to ensure its platform remains a source of comfort and enjoyment for everyone, regardless of their geopolitical situation.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

636 Replies

I highly agree.

I don't want to accidentally listen to russian artists or give them the opportunity to earn even $0.0001 from my account.

We need it!

absolutely agree! I am tired of getting russian songs in recommendations even if I don't listen to it, follow it or something.

Yes please! Redeem Ukrainians from this trigger!

Yes! And thank you

I fully support this proposal.
It is simply impossible anymore, Russian performers are constantly mentioned in recommendations.
I don't want to listen to them, I don't want to support them.
Even blocking artists doesn't help.
Spotify, pay attention to this problem.

I don’t want to listen russian music

I completely agree!

Once upon a time, I chose Spotify for its great proposal selection of music, which is no longer the case 😞 I feel physically ill when I hear music in Russian, besides, I just really don't want to listen to Russian artists (and they are not in my preferences at all!). This is the reason why I am starting to think about changing the platform for listening to music, unfortunately:(

I hope there is a way to fix this problem and I'll be able to use Spotify again without fear of hearing the Russian language in selections according to my preferences



some of us just don't cherry-pick tracks, we put on the discover weekly playlist so whatever's there gets played.


If there are russian tracks in the mix, then it means a russian artist gets paid for the stream, which means there's income tax from this stream which will be paid to russian government, which means this money gets put towards a Ukrainian civilian's death inside his house when a russia-manufactured kamikaze drone hits their residential building.


I am not paying for death of my countrymen. Spotify must be more flexible, as well as separate Ukraine from russia's locale.



Completely agree!!

It's very retraumatizing to hear these songs when I actively avoiding them. I listen to the music to relax, not too get flashbacks and be scared

The main reason I've decided not to buy premium this time and to give a try with other services

Agree. It's pity we gotta ask for such obvious things

Absolutely agree!

This is extremely important to keep Ukrainian language and culture from russian colonization. For russians their music is the weapon: first you listening their music, than they come to your house with the guns and telling you that its their land now, tell you for sure!

Yes, we need it! And thank you for creating this request!

Completely agree!

I rarely see russian music on my release radar because I didn't listen to this kind of music before. But yes it can be in Discover Weekly what I would like to avoid

It starts getting unbearable in the recent time. More and more it keeps happening, and the suggestions are not even fitting each other. Blooms Corda is something completely different from zhanna aguzarova (although that is by far not the biggest point of complaint here).


It would be cool if you and your team could have a look at it.


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