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Some TLoP songs won't work?

Some TLoP songs won't work?

So today I tried listening to The Life of Pablo by Kanye and some songs won't load. For example, Father Stretch my Hands Part 1 it will load and play for 1 second then just skip to the next song. Some songs on the album work but others like this just skip after 1 second. Can anyone explain what is going on?

Edit: I tried on both my iPhone 6 mobile Spotify and on a desktop, neither work (for certain songs at least).

2 Replies

So apparently now it works however the whole day it wasn't working so yea. Thank god.

The tracks are currently broken on Spotify. When you play "Wolves" instead you get Real Friends. Also if you plau "30 Hours" you get Silver Sufer Intermission instead. 

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