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Songs not found on Spotify

Songs not found on Spotify

Tangerine Dream - "Loved By The Sun" is a vocal version of "Unicorn Theme" song with lyrics written and sung by Jon Anderson of the band Yes. The vocals were added after Tangerine Dream had composed the instrumental music for the movie "Legend" starring Tom Cruise. A live instrumental version is here on Spotify but not the actual track that either they made or the version that became more popular that Jon Anderson sang on. Please upload this song! 

83 Replies

Reignwolf should be on here. That'd be neat to see.

I like Spotify alot, but i still feel i need to download music from other sites. I dont understand why some artists, such as KiD CuDi, have a few of his more recent albums, on Spotify but not his old ones, not to mention the mixtapes. Why? Im just curious, as to why not the older ones arent available. Please add, I just purchased premium and I honestly done want to get rid of it, but KiD CuDi is 1/3 of my tracks.

Cowboy Bebop - Original Soundtrack 1

Cowboy Bebop - "Vitaminless"

Cowboy Bebop - Original Soundtrack 2 "No Disc"

Cowboy Bebop - Original Soundtrack 3 "Blue"

Radiohead - In Rainbows


The Von Bondies - Lack of Communication is not availible on Spotify.

This doesnt make sense to me. They are on the label, Sympathy for the Record Industry. Spotfy seems to have rights to music from that label already, as lots of other bands from there are already on spotify, such as the first three white stripes albums, international noise conspiracy and a few others.


Come on guys, please add this one, its their best album. 🙂




How come the album by Destroyer "Steethawk: A Seduction" isn't added but it seems their other albums are?


I've never heard it but I'd really like to listen to it.

Can you please upload "Last kiss" by Trent Dabbs?

Looking for some new released German rap albums


Banger Rebellieren (Charted on 2 in Germany) by 'KC Rebell'

43 Therapie by 'Veysel'

Blockplatin by 'Haftbefehl'



There are lots of songs that are in the charts that aren't on Spotify


Duke Dumont - Need U (100%)

Chris Malinchak - So Good To Me

Wretch 32 - Blackout


By rihanna

Original version! Not Shaun Reynolds feat. Laura Pringle

Blur by Wretch 32 would be a great song to have on Spotify.

Eminem-Infinite the whole album is missing,:/

I miss these albums of two artists:

Mike Oldfield - The Millenium Bell

Masters of Reality - Sunrise at the sufferbus.

I want more Timeflies, this is an insane up and coming band! Like Timeflies - I Choose U! INSWAAANE



Can you please add.... Reflekt - "Need To Feel Loved" ( Adam K and Soha Vocal Remix)



Tool is MIA on here, as AC/DC, the self-title debut album by System Of A Down, Led Zepplin, and Def Leppard. i guess these band except Tool are too old school. or maybe Tool like the old school band buy the CD or whole album to listen to the music concept. 

I'd like to suggest "Daddy's Coming Home" by Walk The Moon.


I remember that the song is owned by Universal Music.

Hey guys - Just as an FYI, we've recently posted a Music FAQ in the Music Chat board. 


Missing music is discussed a bit in number 5--there's also a form to submit your requests. 


If you have any other questions let us know. 


Finally the Pink Floyd are available on Spotify but one of my favorite album seem to be missing.


The album is Live at Pompeii

Are these albums yet to come or are they not included in the deal that was made?


As always, you should ask the record labels 😛

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