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"Couldn't load the lyrics for this song" error

"Couldn't load the lyrics for this song" error

As of version and the version prior to that has caused the lyrics from my personal playlist in my device 'Samsung-SMJ250F' to disappear, at first I thought it was brcause the songs were old but way older songs still had lyrics
The playlist is a private playlist featuring all songs of 'DragonForce'
and after the update none of the songs had lyrics.

Top Answer

Hey folks,


Thanks for posting about this here in the Community.


Please note that the availability of the Lyrics feature and the lyrics themselves can vary over time, as well as between markets, and depending on the agreements we have in place with our rights holders. We add new content to Spotify every day, so if you can’t find something right now, it may appear (or reappear) soon.


We hope this helps!



484 Replies

I'm sure this is a problem on Android phones. I have Huawei Mate 50 Pro and all songs have no lyrics. My iPad can load the lyrics but I can't share it. 

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OnePlus 12, windows pc

Operating System

Android 14, Windows 10 and 11


My Question or Issue

Why are lyrics to all my Kent songs disappeared. There was there 1 week ago. I have try to to delete cache log off, uninstall app. Lyrics for Suede and Joachim Berg are still there. 

Why we can't get the lyrics and also it shows "couldn't find the lyrics" so could you do something 

That’s bs. It’s not that’s hard to add the lyrics back. Every song I listen to doesn’t have any lyrics. Get**bleep** together and add back them back to the Kanye Songs



My Question or Issue

Lyrics used to be available through the microphone icon, then multiples times ago it was sometimes diplaying differents kind of "you took us by surprise, we're still trying to get the lyrics" in my language. And now since more than a week, the lyrics are loading for a long time and then it say "unpossible to load lyrics, try again later" for every song.
i'm pretty sure its not on my side because i'm able to use the app perfecty except


My Question or Issue


I'm using the desktop spotify, all my songs have no lyrics since the start of the year.


What the **bleep** is going on? Spotify... this is really one way to lose your customer base. I'd fix it ASAP.



Almost a month ago, I could see the lyrics of "Missing" by Everything but the Girl, (the original version). Last week it dissapeared but for the Todd Terry club mix, the lyrics are still showing. Despite of this, I  can find the lyrics for both versions in the MusixMatch site. It must be a Spotify issue 

Ridiculous, Now have to pay $14 a month just to look at lyrics. Some of the songs like godzilla from eminem require PREMIUM to look at the lyrics. Really dissapointed that these days you have to pay to look at lyrics.

The Last Shadow Puppet's lyrics are all gone! I need it back asap...

Some songs can't load the lyrics. I am getting the message "Couldn't load the lyrics for this song." What could that be?


It's happening to me too and I have a premium plan so I don't know if that's what the issue is




iPhone 11, MacBook Pro 13-inch M1, Samsung S21, Windows 11


My friend and I encounter the same issue, I assume that Spotify made the lyrics as a premium feature, which causes this bug.

Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 16.32.03.png

I listen to Spotify on my Windows computer, and my Spotify is up to date (I think).


Anytime I try to listen to a song with lyrics, a message pops up saying the following: Couldn't load the lyrics for this song, try again later. This has been happening consistently for a while now, and it's starting to really annoy me. I've tried to use all the options that the help menu tells you, but they haven't worked. I REALLY hope somebody sees my cry for help.

Here is my email if you know what I can do about this:  


BTW: This is during 2024, so if anybody in the future needs help with this, it will probably be outdated by then.


Thank you for listening to me rant on and on, and I hope Spotify helps me fix my issue 😃

ok like spotify is getting on my NERVES everytime i listen to tyler the creator the lyrics dont pop up like i might delete spotify cs what?!? but the lyrics pop up for other people what is going on fr makes no sense but please fix that honestly

Songs that previously had lyrics now appear unable to load. Mainly a lot of Chinese songs, I am sure I can see the lyrics before, recently can not load!

I asked other people the same thing, so it's not my problem. Is there something wrong with the server?

Here's a link to some of the songs where this problem occurred:

This is starting to annoy me very much too!  

Why lyrics that are easily available all over the internet suddenly aren't so in a service that previously had them, that I pay a higher and higher price for as times go by, without ever getting any better is a mystery to me.
I love to sing a long to my favorite songs whilst in the kitchen, and now that is not possible anymore with so many songs! 😞

I can't load lyrics for any of songs. First I thought it might be because of connection problem. But it happens even when my connection is strong.


Literally every song is with this problem, but they keep just ignoring the issue. It disgusts me. I guess it's time to cancel my premium and migrate to a proper stream service. **bleep** y'all.

all the songs couldn't load the lyrics

But it hasn't been working for so long and NONE of the lyrics are working???

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