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Linux Spotify client 1.x now in stable


Linux Spotify client 1.x now in stable


In June 2015 we released version 1.x of the client for Linux in the testing repository.

The intention was to fix a few of the bigger issues and then quickly move this to stable. That never happened, since after September, we have had no developers working on the linux client. There are still lots of problem with this version of the client for linux, but we are now seeing much more problems with the old client.


Known linux specific issues in 1.0.23


Most of these we want to fix, but others (like missing tray icon) we probably won't. Link to threads with more issues you have and I will try to add them here. If you can't find your issue already reported, create a new thread and follow this troubleshooting guide for linux.


From now on, the idea is to first release a client to the testing repository as soon as possible, when it is ready internally, then after a week or so if we haven't discovered any serious new crash bug that affects lots of users, it will move to stable. Most of the time, a new linux release will have no linux specific changes, only the changes it shares with the mac and win clients.

Stable repository

To install a client from the stable repository follow the instructions on


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys BBEBDCB318AD50EC6865090613B00F1FD2C19886
echo deb stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client


Testing repository


To install a client from the testing repository, follow the same instructions, but replace the word stable with testing.


sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys BBEBDCB318AD50EC6865090613B00F1FD2C19886
echo deb testing non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client




262 Replies

hey joon


new version today, I notice some interface changes, seems nice.


Do you have a bug tracking system that we can use and a version log of what is done?

Also how can a linux user help besides beta testing.



Keep up the good work.

Mint 17.3 x64 Cinnamon new update change log:
- Do you dare to update our excellent  and bug-free new version of Spotify Desktop?


Aaaaaaaand it's amazing. Nothing changed!

Still multiple Spotify Client can be open.
Music Cover right-bottom still -Unknown Artist-

Try harder.

Spotify started in full screen, and I don't know how to un-fullscreen it. 😕


I believe that Linux is now receiving the regular desktop updates at the same time as the others, but the Linux integration stuff is what is missing.

Misleading, I know, but the idea is a good one, once they fix the integration issues.

Teekivi, there might be several reasons, depending on the system you're running on. To find help, you'd better state your distro and version of Linux.


elementary OS Freya 0.3.2

@Teekivi wrote:

Spotify started in full screen, and I don't know how to un-fullscreen it. 😕

Hi there!


See if this helps.

Be careful, the path is now ~/.config/spotify (lowercase s).



The issue has something to do with the fact that I am using my computer
with two screens of different resolution.

I'm typing this on mobile. I'll check the link later. Thanks in advance!


with the new version i missed the taskbar icon. I reverted at 0.9.17, but i think that the previous version can be good. Someone have idea where i can find it (or better how to solve with the latest version)?

Thank you

Then, no wonder why Spotify still isn't a profitable company. They do not value their customers enough. Even their Android app is slow as hell on moderate smartphones.

Is there anywhere to report/track bugs? The desktop process is terminating (segfault) when attempting to play any local files, log only shows 'Segmentation fault'. Segfault happens each time. Debian 8.3 (Jessie) Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 i5-2520M 3736MiB Memory.

This is one of the "known bugs" in Spotify Linux, so there's nothing anyone
of us can do.

If Spotify were profitable, they could hire more better programmers and they could make web player so good that you don't need desktop players. Web DRM and offline storage are keywords here. If Netflix can use these technologies, why couldn't Spotify.


In the previous version, when the spotify windows was closed, there was an icon right buttom where it was able to have some commands like next, previous, pause, stop ...

This icon is not available anymore.

Who can help me ? Thx


I think they seriously broke something with MPRIS2. It doesn't show what song is playing any more, it dowsnt allow player to go to background(that I loved) play control buttons do not work, play button will spin forever

Screenshot from 2016-03-14 15-52-44.png

exacly my problem... i reverted to version 0.9.17

Webapp can't replace well built desktop app. Webapp is almost always prosthesis and comes with great deal of compromises.

I m not speaking from the web app, but from the desktop app for linux !


Where can i download the previous version ?

sudo apt-get install spotify-client-0.9.17

ammm, no package?

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