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Release Notes - Spotify for Desktop 1.0.7


Release Notes - Spotify for Desktop 1.0.7



What's new in this version (1.0.7):

  • On Windows, the corner X button can close or minimise Spotify. Choose in your Settings.
  •  Making a collaborative playlist in 1280x800 resolution? Excellent. Now you can see who's added songs in the User column.
  • Create Playlist option for playlist context menus to allow you to quickly create a playlist from a right click
  • Lyrics, Messages and Play Queue each have their own button. Click once to view, click again to go back.
  • We've improved the way playlists are sorted. 
  • Having trouble logging in? Try changing your Proxy Settings from the the login page. (It's easy, promise.)
131 Replies

Upgraded to new version, and queue list not working.

@user-removed wrote:

Upgraded to new version, and queue list not working.

I have the same problem. I can not play anything at all!!

If I move to another subscription service, it will only happen because of the non-user friendly, ridiculous Spotify Desktop software.


Is there a reason that the view of your play queue is cut off at 50 songs in the new update? I had about 200 songs queued up, but now I can't see beyond the first 50. This also means I can't REMOVE or swap out songs 50-200. I remember being frustrated a couple days ago that it was cut off at 300 songs, but I rationalized it at the time -- "I probably shouldn't be queueing up that many songs anyway..." But 50 is ridiculous. At least make this an option in Preferences...

I agree about the queue, 50 is not long enough, BUT at the same time limit the history view to 100. As how it is now it takes ages to load the history and that is unworkable.

The volume button is still on the far right ...


I wonder. Have you ever seen a dishwasher with the controls on the back? Probably not.

Maybe an iron with the steam button on the power plug?


Perhaps your car stereo has its volume knob in the glove compartment... like ... way on the bottom right, just to drive you nuts.

Pun intended.


Ah, why am I even bothering. I'll check back in a few months.

@notaninja wrote:

FINALLY! Minimize to tray is back!


Yeah, disabled by default however, as if on purpose, just to piss me off.


It's also an "advanced setting". *facepalm*

OMG Thank you for bringing back minimize-to-tray on close button!!
If only can you, guys, add playlist control from that tray icon...

Now that minimize to tray works, you can vote for "launch minimized to tray" here:

I was SO excited when I logged in this morning to see the systray icon back in place!  Then I realized it's still missing all the music controls (play/pause, next, etc.) that it had before.  Oh, well.  Baby steps in the right direction!

Anybody else seeing the volume icon disappear from the system tray as soon as Spotify opens?


(win7, spotify 1.0.7)

What's new in

Upgrading does not "stay" installed.


This has been topic before in earlier versions but problem still persists.


Closing Spotify and starting again will launch the old version instead of what it was supposed to be upgraded to.


Windows 7 64-bit


@Treris wrote:

Anybody else seeing the volume icon disappear from the system tray as soon as Spotify opens?

No, volume icon is still present with Spotify open on both my Win7 computers.

same here, but then on WinXp

@spamandtuna wrote:

I was SO excited when I logged in this morning to see the systray icon back in place!  Then I realized it's still missing all the music controls (play/pause, next, etc.) that it had before.  Oh, well.  Baby steps in the right direction!

No doubt. As is, the feature is useless. The whole point of keeping it in the systray is so it's out of the way while still giving you the ability to control the playback. But without playback controls, what's the point? June 30th and Apple Music cannot get here soon enough.

My patience is beginning to wear VERY thin, Spotify. 

Local files still broken. I'm still getting droves of blank entries and without a media device connected, streaming files which were associated with my local files suddenly cannot play any more. I've even shifted my entire mp3 collection to my desktop and added it that way. It still doesn't work!!!


And then I see rubbish like this - Quit trying to add ridiculous features and concentrate on fixing the obviously broken desktop player.


Screw it, i'm downgrading. 


hide in systray is back!!!!


Queueing tracks no longer works....this is a rather large loss of functionality


Who tests this stuff?  (Besides us after you've forced these updates, I mean.)

Anyone else having issues with the local files not showing?  Spotify clearly recognizes them as it displays the total number of songs and total length of time for my local files but it won't display anything else.  Do I have to revert versions yet again?



I just downloaded and installed this update and when I right click a song and choose Add to Queue it does NOTHING! - I swear why does and update always SUCK... and Update is supposed to fix or improve things not take away funcionality....


Anyone else having this problem on 1.07.....?

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