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Release Notes - Spotify for Desktop 1.0.7


Release Notes - Spotify for Desktop 1.0.7



What's new in this version (1.0.7):

  • On Windows, the corner X button can close or minimise Spotify. Choose in your Settings.
  •  Making a collaborative playlist in 1280x800 resolution? Excellent. Now you can see who's added songs in the User column.
  • Create Playlist option for playlist context menus to allow you to quickly create a playlist from a right click
  • Lyrics, Messages and Play Queue each have their own button. Click once to view, click again to go back.
  • We've improved the way playlists are sorted. 
  • Having trouble logging in? Try changing your Proxy Settings from the the login page. (It's easy, promise.)
131 Replies



- still no close to tray

- still no local file search possible





I got big issues with the latest update : Impossible to get spotify working. "Files are already used" blabla.
Even when I shutdown my computer and turn off the services at launch, Spotify is unable to autocomplete the installation.

Which mean it's the second time I uninstalled Spotify, and I just can install and use Spotify a few days or a few hours before the auto-upgrade ruins the application.


It'd be a cool thing to :

- allow auto-upgrades disabling

- or just fix this


Windows 7 user.

1.0.8 update is really awful. Coming from a company that barely has any concept of a decent release at all that is really saying something.

Every time I change tracks the UI freezes for 3-5 seconds, at which point you can't change tarcks again, seek or use the UI at all.


750MB RAM usage, 100% CPU usage and it still runs like a piece of crap. The true Spotify experience for you.

I loved Spotify for the light-weight software.
Now it's so slow and it just doesn't get better. I apply for a QA job. 🙂

Actually, it just has a huge memory leak.


Every time you change track is allocates more and more RAM to the UI process which just keeps inflating. Once it reaches 1.5GB RAM usage the UI process terminates (crashes?) and restarts again at lower RAM usage for the cycle to start again.


The playback is handled on a different process so that continues as normal after the UI process terminates.


As for the CPU usage, that just continues to be insane at all times while you interact with the client. That's just down to sloppy coding.

okay, I finally downloaded the newest installer, for the 1.0.8, so I don't have to update anything. For the moment.
But it's curious the 1.0.4 or even the 1.0.7 won't update correctly. I also found that Spotify starts to lagg a lot with this new version (Sometimes it has a 10s lag, sometimes more).

I hope the 1.0.9 won't be like this and will install properly !

Every day, and sometimes twice a day I get the blue banner announcing"We have a new Spotify....etc..." So I don't know which version we're supposed to at. I'm at and it sucks big time. It stops at completely random times, usually right in the middle of a tune. And when it's really bad I can't even get through two tunes. It's new trick as of yesterday and today is it stops and reverts to some random tune/album from some previous time. Not playing it, just showing it in the bottom of the player. I have to go back and restart whatever I was listening to and if it's a play list just hear a bunch of it all over again since those are usually on shuffle. I don't know what the hell is going on but if it continues why would I pay for that kind of service? I mean, who would? It's become totally unreliable. This has been going on for over a week and is getting worse by the day.





You can get the newest app version for here:


Just log out and exit Spotify, and make sure there are no instances of SpotifyHelper.exe (32 bit) running. Close any of these any that are running, you should be ok to install over the older app, but a clean reinstall might be best as users have had reinstall issues from going from 1.0.7 version onward for some reason.

"Just upgraded to Version 1.0.8  Everything working fine so far  - local files also. What has been changed in this  version?"


none of the important stuff, as usual. the cache issue is still not fixed - tha't s what - 8 updates now since they said it will be "back soon"


I do sitll wonder how spotify define "soon" ?


still installs from that stupid app data location and still will not play nice with crypto prevent.

even though I have whitelisted the spotify app data folders, I have to go into app data copy the new installer from update subfolder to desk top - every time- before it will install without giving error 14.

(not sure what 1.07 did as just moved from 0.9. to 1.08 to give it a shot - wish i hadn't)


With respect to " Return Spotify to the system tray" - now implemented...


ARE YOU KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do we have to actually spell it out word by word, letter by letter????

While we weren't absolutely specific that we wanted the system tray functionality to be EXACTLY THE SAME, that is what we meant.


You gave us "minimise to tray" but didn't bother re-implementing the control menu the icon in the tray offers. 






Ok, I'm going to try and do something about this:


I want to update to 1.0.8 but to be honest, I'm afraid to. Especially because 1.0.7 is running smoothly for me (for the most part)


EDIT: Well, spotify gave me no choice, it auto updated on mr Grrr!!

Thank you Apple for finally providing a solution for this pathetic excuse of a product Spotify has become!!

This is **bleep**ing retarded. I give up on this piece of **bleep** software.

I'm angry! Angry about Spotify!

You still can't drag-and-drop files from your computer into Spotify, and even worse now, you can't control local files playlists from your phone. Spotify is really scared of giving users full control over their content, aren't they? Adding local files requires you to now go into the settings menu, activate folders where you rmusic is stored, then create a playlist. Whenever you confront them about this removed feature, they stick their heads in the sand and throw some generic answer back at you that doesn't actually answer why they removed a feature EVERYONE wishes would return. Music labels must be putting extra pressure on Spotify to make it harder for users to enjoy their content that isn't on Spotify, through Spotify.

I've been a Spotify Premium subscriber for nearly 6 years now, and this is my first post on these forums.


I'm getting near the point where I am considering leaving Spotify to try a competitor. 


Today, I've finally had enough with the terrible windows desktop app that has got progressively worse over time. I've downgraded to version 0.9 as I have lost faith that the Spotify team listen to their customers when it comes to making a functional windows app.


With large numbers of customers using SSDs, removing the feature to chose where to store cached data is more than inconvenient, it makes spotify near unusuable for those people who want to use the SSD for speed dependent apps (like games). They, like I, dont want their SSD filled with cached music which does not need the speed benefits of an SSD and can happily reside on a traditional HDD.


If future apps don't reinstate this feature, I will seriously consider taking my money elsewhere.

In an earlier post, I mentioned I was afraid to update to version 1.0.8 and my concern has been validated. In the last few days (since being forced to update) I haven't (for the most part) been able to add any tracks to the queue. I keep "adding to queue" but nothing shows up there. The few times some tracks have shown up, I couldn't remove them.





Allo? Hola? Somebody's there?

It's been quite a long time now. The desktop application is bad, mediocre, crap, rubbish... I could look for other words in the dictionary but it would be a waste of time since no one at Spotify seems to pay attention to those boards.


First of all, it is slow. I mean, try checking your history, it is completely unusable. Also, quite often, I am not able to drag and drop my songs, one of the most basic features, I am sure everyone will agree.


There are still some reasons to rejoy though. After all, the Windows Phone application is even worst and there is no Windows app at all.


The only reason why I am still paying for your service? My playlists. But I am getting close to the point where I am gonna switch to Deezer and spend a whole afternoon recreating all of them. Sounds boring but at least, I will feel a tiny bit respected as a customer.


Your service is bad and your reaction non-existent. Take actions or you can say good bye to my 15 hard-earned euros. And believe me, I'll pass the word to my whole group of friends.

Okay, did that last week. Came back today and same old crap. Random stops, constant notices to "restart to get the new version,etc...." I just went through and deleted the program myself and every last cache file ( very many), re-installed aftermaking sure every possible firewall access was granted. We'll see. Not optimistic though.

Well that didn't take long. Okay, I'm pretty fed up with this. I say we use this thread to start considsering our best options other than Spotify. What are people thinking of switching to? Maybe this will get their attention.


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