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How can I get Spotify to recognize updated tag info?

How can I get Spotify to recognize updated tag info?

I have been taking on the task of running many, many of my files through a tag program, deleting old (multiple) tags, and, generally, cleaning everything up.


One issue that I've noticed is that Spotify doesn't recognize the changes that I've made to tag info.  It is still showing album names that I've changed/deleted, album artwork that I've deleted, artist names that I've changed, etc.  


How can I get Spotify to recognize the changes that I've made?  I've tried deleting and reinstalling Spotify, but that doesn't help.  Is there a way to do this from within Spotify?  Or, do I have to delete old folders of information in order to get the changes recognized?  If so, where do I find these folders?


Also, anyway to get a "genre" column for my local files list of music?

11 Replies

Did you try to remove the local source from Spotify, restart and then add them again? This should force a rescan of your local files. Worked for me.

That didn't work, but...


What is the difference between a song in my local files that is faded gray, versus one that is white-er?  Also, what is the difference between a song that is "linked" and "unlinked"?  It seems that if I "unlink" songs, the old tag info disappears and the new tag info appears.

Bump.  Any ideas?

I'm doing the same thing you are--going back through my already existing library and updating tag info.  I'm also interested in finding a quick way to rescan file information.


Unfortunately, my solution sucks, but read on if you're interested.  You can go through your Spotify library, right click on individual songs and pick "Edit Info" to update the song info.  But this solution sucks for 2 reasons:  1) It's slow and manual, and 2) You HAVE to change something in the tag in order for the update to take.

We do have a system allowing you to update information with Gracenote - We have information about what it is and how it works here.

But this might not be too useful with tags of lesser known artists. Some of the the suggestions in that link might help, however.

Airhorn Enthusiast

@David wrote:

We do have a system allowing you to update information with Gracenote - We have information about what it is and how it works here.

But this might not be too useful with tags of lesser known artists. Some of the the suggestions in that link might help, however.

Unfortunately, I'm not looking Gracenote corrections.  I've customized my tags in a way specific to me, and would simply like Spotify to recognize those changes.  Does Spotify store song info somewhere on my computer?  If so, can I clear that folder/files to affect the changes?


I can't even change info in Spotify, as it doesn't exist in the tags, yet still shows up in the columns when the songs are displayed.

This is getting a bit irritating. I removed one album's mp3s and dragged and dropped them to add them back in and the tags still won't update.  To make matters worse, the album tracks are randomly was split into two album titles (which I was trying to fix):


A Night in San Francisco

A Night in San Francisco (Remastered)



@NeilN wrote:

This is getting a bit irritating. I removed one album's mp3s and dragged and dropped them to add them back in and the tags still won't update.  To make matters worse, the album tracks are randomly was split into two album titles (which I was trying to fix):


A Night in San Francisco

A Night in San Francisco (Remastered)



Have you unlinked those tracks from Spotify catalogue (via Right Click > Unlink Track)? 



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Ah beautiful, thank you! Pretty bizarre as that album is not in Spotify's catalog.



Unfortunately nearly all Van Morrison albums are missing.

This worked for me, too. Thanks!

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