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How can I stop getting podcast recommendations

How can I stop getting podcast recommendations








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Even though I have a paid account, I keep getting podcast recommendations which I'm not interested in.

There is no option to disable this as far as I can see.

The "Your top shows" section is now at the top of my home screen. This is just a shameless ad campaign to push podcasts on users.

Since I'm a paying user, I'd like the option to tailor the home screen to what's relevant to me, not to Spotify's bottom line.

Where can I find the option to disable podcast recommendations, or to customize my home screen?


68 Replies

Can I pay Spotify more money to STOP SPAMMING PODCASTS?!?!?!?!

I never listen to podcasts ever.


I know some marketing info led you to believe it would make people listen to more podcasts but I DON'T LISTEN TO ANY PODCASTS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!





NO ONE PAYS FOR A SERVICE TO GET SPAMMED WITH ADVERTISEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is like a bully spitting on your face after taking your lunch money and when you complain they just laugh.

Thanks for making me and many of your other paying customers feel used, unheard and worthless.



This is the most frustrating thing that Spotify has ever done.


Podcast recommendations aren't the worst thing in the world, but the fact that I listened to a podcast ONCE on accident and it has been showing up without fail for the past three months is extremely infuriating, I can't make it go away!!



This is what I see at the top of spotify EVERY TIME I open the app, and there is no way to get rid of it!


Even after going to the podcast and hitting "Mark as unplayed" so spotify could "forget" that I had listened to it, it has done NOTHING and I still get this recommendation every day.


Will this recommendation ever go away, or do I have to look at expletives every time I open up Spotify? This is extremely annoying and there is abundant complaint about this problem all over the forums.


If you are not going to allow us to remove the podcast recommendations section, at least have a way so we can stop having the same podcast recommended to us for the rest of eternity.



Hi there folks,


Thank you for your replies and feedback.


We understand that things can feel frustrating when things don't work as you'd like them to.


We're always testing things by adding or removing features to make Spotify better overall and we’re constantly aiming to improve our features. We’re sorry that this means you’re not able to use Spotify like you wish to do at the moment.


There's currently an idea - [All Platforms] Customize Start Screen. We suggest that you leave a +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread for any updates regarding this.


Not right now status comes after the idea has reached the correct teams and for transparency we've put that status. It's not impossible to get it in the future, but we cannot make any promises.


Once again - thanks for the feedback, we appreciate it. Let us know if we can help you with anything else. 


Take care!

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Kind of a non-response. Doesn't change anything. Doesn't give any real
information as to why it's happening and puts the onus completely on us to
fix everything?

Yeah, no.

Clearly Spotify is just pushing the most popular stuff on us. I get why it makes sense from their perspective but I think paying users deserve a bit more control over what they see. But I’ve since canceled my subscription as I doubt it’ll happen. 

Update: still getting pop ups. All notifications still turned off. Spotify doesn't care. Oh well 

This is a terrible answer a complete dismissal of a legitimate idea. I hate the podcast recommendations. I don't want a "customized start", I just want to turn off recommendations. I wish I could give this answer a dislike.

This is another non answer. It would be better if Spotify was just honest about it  and said they don't care about their users. And that's the thing about Spotify: the only thing they care about is profit. They pay pittance to most artists, they ignore paying customers' needs. The truly perverse aspect of it though is that, unlike Google or other "free" services where you pay by letting them harvest intimate details of your life, Spotify takes your money, and they harvest your details, and they push their own agenda on you. Spotify is very much like an abusive partner who gaslights you. We can do better, ans we should ask for more.

Yikes, this is incredibly frustrating!


Spotify's reply irritated me so much that I just signed up for premium Youtube Music. I think everyone should make
the switch.

I Dont Listen To Podcasts

I Have Never Listened To Podcasts

I Will Never Listen To Podcasts
So please, just stop shoving podcasts at paying users


Ive done the voting game yet again, and came back and seen same generic non-responses from spotify, yet again

This is such a rudimentary feature to fix via a simple "remove" icon or setting toggle that its just ridiculous that years later and still nothing happening to this or any linked issue or ideas

Can you suggest an answer for my kids that are around when I open the Spotify app on my computer and this pops up


Now seriously, add an option to at least get rid of the offending entries.



Do you realize that your help forums are just full of page after page of people asking for something reasonable, and you dancing around the question with PR speak? You are easily one of the most useless support staffs on the planet. Just be honest and say "No, we don't care about what you want" or "No, the higher ups aren't willing to spend money on that". It would honestly be a better experience to just hear the truth.

Here is the honest answer Spotify should be giving but isn't.


"Spotify spent half a billion dollars buying up multiple Podcast services in 2019-2020, with an openly-stated intention to become a dominant force in the Podcast market, the same way they have become a dominant force in the music streaming market. So, no matter how much you hate seeing Podcast recommendations every time you open Spotify, you're just gonna have to get used to it."


That's it. That's why this feature will NOT be changing anytime soon. They spent half a billion dollars on this, so they're trying to get their money's worth out of it, even if that means shoving it down your throat against your will.

This what I'm thrown at my face as a podcast recommendation. I don't want podcasts. I don't want **bleep**bleep** in my homescreen. Please stop.


Capture d’écran 2021-12-17 à 22.46.00.png

We all know that Spotify can easily remove Podcast recommendations.

Podcasters pay Spotify to promote their noise so the company chooses not to change anything that would decrease their revenue.

I have never and will never listen to a Spotify podcast - this is a music platform not an "fools yelling at you" platform.

Put a "less like this" button on Podcasts; simple, clean and implemented by thousands of platforms that listen to their customers and care.

So we resort to hacking our computers to get rid of 'shows'.


spotify podcast.png

Thank you. Nice hack.

I noticed the p0rn has disappeared from the recommended podcasts, so maybe they understood part of the complain. 

Absolute disgrace that you cannot filter rubbish from Spotify added to auto playing songs when albums finish it is now making my mind clear that I need to move to Apple Music. After years of great service Spotify has lost the plot!

The request we're voting on is from is 2022. I have no interest in listening to random people talk about their s*x lives and I don't appreciate it being recommended to me every time I open the app. Stop pushing podcasts, we don't want that and you're making users frustrated with your hollow responses.  

Yes, please let us delete recommended shows at the very least. I will never listen to Joe Rogan, please let me remove his show from my suggestions. Not seeing podcasts at all would be great, but if I could at least remove ones irrelevant to me that would be fine. Shouldn't take 4 years to implement a "Hide this podcast" feature.

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