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Light Mode for desktop / mobile app

Light Mode for desktop / mobile app



I've been a premium user for almost a decade now and have a Mac and iPhone, but this topic goes beyond platforms in general.


I was wondering if there are any plans to have a Light Mode for the app. The extreme contrast difference between the black background and white text wreaks havoc on my eyes and I have trouble looking at other things for a little while, if I've looked at a Spotify window for too long (example, reading the bio of an artist), reading through the tracks of an album or playlist etc.


If not, are there any plans to have themes in Spotify? The app is almost 10 years old in the US alone, and I'm quite surprised there has been nothing been done in this direction for the app.




25 Replies

A true hero.

Light theme solution for iPhone.


Smart Invert in iOS

1. Open settings.

2. Search for Per-App Settings and add Spotify to the list.

3. Select Spotify from the list and look for Smart Invert option and turn it on. (You don't want to turn it on for entire iOS).

4. Restart Spotify app. 


For desktop use Spicetify

hello idk if this will help but a simple way to get light mode for Spotify on iphone is to go to accessibility in settings, go to per-app settings, add spotify, then find smart invert. pictures on it wont invert, only emojis and text. and it makes the green parts pink so thats a plus (at least for me)

You mean to get the light mode which is a very basic feature and save our eyes from strain, we need to do system wide changes. 😄 


Adjust display brightness: Do you understand what you are saying? Fatigue is caused by bright text on a pitch black background. How the adjusting display brightness will help? If the brightness is reduced specifically for Spotify then how about the other apps? Don't you think that other apps will be difficult to use because of low brightness? Don't you think that the users will be using Spotify along with other Apps?


Enable system-wide dark mode: Just why? Dark mode in the morning? Again it creates the same problem of bright text on the pitch black background. What if I need to use other apps in the light mode? 


Third-party tools: mean at Spotify, we are an incompetent team of user designers and engineers therefore please use third party tools. It's difficult for us to implement the light theme. We've already take money from the users so we don't care about user's pain point. Forget about great user experience. Spicetify, is one tool that offers themes, why don't you hire those people? That tool often breaks after Spotify update.


Before improving user experience, first think from accessibility point of view. Can a user use our App without any difficulty? If yes..then go on improving user experience. 


User's patience: 10 years of waiting for the light mode. 

Spit fy: We could, would, might consider, implement the light mode whenever we want. We are the masters and the users are our slaves. 

PLEASE for the LIFE OF ME!!! PLEASE make this happen! I've always hated dark mode and especially the older I'm getting I'm finding it absolutely difficult seeing dark things and I only put dark mode on my phone from sunset to sunrise when I'm in bed etc watching YouTube etc or just browsing etc... 

I would love if Spotify made a Light Mode theme for their Desktop/Android Phone app etc. I don't see why this hasn't already been implemented or even a discussion to ask for this as so many other apps have this simple feature...

I think it should be the customer WHO IS PAYING FOR A SERVICE have the choice to choose if they want to have use dark or light settings. I can't stand it! 

The dark green Spotify Logo, the Dark Purple... along with a very dark black/brown background... It's hard for me to focus. I'm actually OVER IT!!! I actually have to go in settings on my Mac (and because Apple doesn't believe there should be an option to change display/font sizes etc (I actually have to change display resolutions to make things bigger) and the quality is horrendous)... On my Samsung, I have to use the font/screen zoom to view/high to see properly.

I've been thinking (right now just thinking) of trying another music provider or see if there's any other apps people have created with Spotify integration... I haven't really read through the forum properly so I apologise for the hostile post or the arrogance... (I'm just letting off some steam)... I'll probably come back to this later and read through peoples posts when I've calmed down but I needed to get this out... 

I also cannot be bothered going through that option or finding github/alternative apps/programs/install this, install that, do this, do that, watch videos, go through 5,000 videos on YouTube to watch tutorials or read on sh#t when there the official app should honestly think about people with viewing difficulties/blind vision/poor vision etc. It's an absolute joke!!!

This is what my Desktop looks like ATM so I can see... OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's honestly so frustrating!!! NOT HAPPY JAN...ET!


Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 5.04.44 pm.png

It is now 2024? How long do we have to wait for this basic feature? 

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