
Help Wizard

Step 1


Liked songs playlist only partially visible

Liked songs playlist only partially visible






MacBook Pro 2019

Operating System

iOS Catalina 10.15.6


Liked songs appearing in full on my phone, but only songs liked after 1.8.20 appearing on the Desktop version of Spotify


Have tried restarting, logged out of all devices, clean uninstall twice, tried the clearing cache suggestion - only the cache wasn't there (?), reinstalled.. same chunk of liked songs from 1.8.20 appearing. 



5 Replies

Same in Web-Browser.

I can see all Songs i liked under the "Liked Songs"-playlist, but the heart icon is missing in all the songs.
What happend? And how can we fix this?

When i like a song again it gets tagged with the heart icon and goes to the top of the playlist.

Similar problem here--only a small percentage of songs I've liked since March 2020 are showing up. They still seem to be "liked" (they have the heart icon filled) when I go to other playlists, but they don't show up on the liked songs playlist. 

For me, all liked songs are gone. The entire page is now empty.. same with albums. It's like my entire history got wiped.. some databases issues going on at Spotify?

The Windows 10 app shows all songs correctly, but the Web-Version is still not showing the red heart icon.

Seems like they fixed the Web-Player 🙂

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