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Search function on Spotify

Search function on Spotify


When I’m searching for a song on Spotify I would like to see if this song is already in some of my playlists or not. Is this an option yet?

Now I have to choose to search ‘in a personal playlist’ or search on Spotify itself. I would be handy if we just could search en Spotify founds the song in Spotify and in àll of our own playlists by just 1 search.


Anyone a solution for this? Thanks already!

1 Reply

Hey @kim91.


Thanks for getting in touch!


Currently there is no such feature. It has been proposed to us in the past though so feel free to leave a vote in this Idea. The status is currently marked to Not Right Now but ideas get revisited if they get enough popularity.


Let us know if you have further questions and we'll be happy to help.


Have a nice day!

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