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Spotify Won't start all of a sudden. Mac OX 10.7.4


Spotify Won't start all of a sudden. Mac OX 10.7.4

When I try to open spotify it bounces once in my dock and does nothing. No crash report, it just refuses to open. I've tried reinstalling. 

133 Replies

I was having the same problem (10.7.5) with the application just bouncing and doing nothing. If I waited long enough it'd stop bouncing but not open and have no light in the dock indicating it was open, but if I right clicked on it it'd say the application wasn't responding. 


HOWEVER, I found a solution that worked instantly for me. I turned off my Internet connection and the app immediately opened up. Then I reconnected my Internet and the application is staying on and working.



Hope that helps.

@itsthinking - How did you get it to open without logging in? Or was this a previously installed version?

Yes it was previously installed, sorry about that. I had yet to try to clean install the application because I was trying to solve this right before bed and didn't want to get into a big hassle with it—plus it looked like everyone else who was uninstalling and reinstalling weren't having very successful tries with it. So I had a flash of inspiration to just disable my internet and try launching the app one more time and it worked. 


So if you've already tried uninstalling and fresh reinstalling the app, this solution won't work. However, if like me you haven't yet uninstalled Spotify, try this.

Thanks! Worked perfectly itsthinking.


Everything Everything, I would say. Artists not found (they are there), songs freeze and songs don't even play. 


A more detailed description, using numbered steps

1. First, after updating to the new version, songs would freeze every 2-5 seconds for 5-20 seconds. I reinstalled Spotify and the problem remained there. 

2. Then, suddenly, Spotify wouldn't open. I did what you say in the troubleshooting post and now it opens. 

3. But songs freeze as before, some artists are not found and some songs won't even start playing


My Operating System

OS X 10.6.8


My Spotify version



My internet provider and country



My username



@itsthinking wrote:


HOWEVER, I found a solution that worked instantly for me. I turned off my Internet connection and the app immediately opened up. Then I reconnected my Internet and the application is staying on and working.



Hope that helps.

Yes! This process worked for me. You just saved the day!

The weirdest thing is that on every other account on mac, spotify just works. No bugs. Its only my accoun that has the bug.

Ok, sure one should give aaaaaaaaall the details about system and so on. But fact is: macbook is up to date, Spotify is up to date. And the problem discribed in all prior post are the same troubles I'm going through and that are described in VARIOUS other places - NO solution so far.
Actually, it's true: logging-in works when internet is disconnected. But as soon as re-connected, Spotify crashes again. 

There are so many feelings I'd like to express right now...... well......


Why are updates put online when they almost always lead to massiv crash downs?!

Hey I was having the same problem. Tryed reistalling.. the whole shabang. However, this seemed to work for me, 


Quit out of spotify. Go to spotiy dot com and log in there. Then go and open the spotify app. should work.

@wellsabrown - Which browser were you using? This did not work for me on Chrome.

Well I finally got mine to work but somehow through a different means then the recent troubleshoot suggestions. I have 10.7.5 btw


Here's what I did after uninstalling and deleting everything related to spotify on my computer (including SpotRemote):


-Open finder window

-search "spotify"

-right click on the spotify icon and select "show package contents"

-double click on contents folder

-double click on the MacOS folder (should open in 'Terminal' application

-for me, a few suggestion boxes came up and i followed them and eventually spotify opend up again...only catch was when I closed the Terminal app, spotify closed as well.

-i repeated the above process but while spotify was open in Terminal, i went to the spotify website and re-downloaded and installed it...

-spotify now works by itself again


for some reason this technique worked for me and I hope it works for some of you.  I can't live without spotify, and i hope the spotify community comes up with a easier fix. 




Same problem here. Spotify corrupts its local data and then does not start up anymore (the process actually runs; see Monitor; but the program does not fully start).


A clean install worked for me. Hammah posted it on page 1 of this thread.


Except that after a while Spotify managed to corrupt its user data again, so I had to do the clean install AGAIN! 😞

I've had the same problem as everyone else.  If the above options don't work the below seemed to work for me.


1. I deleted Spotify and anything relating to Spotify in the library contents as everyone else has done.

2. Reinstall Spotify

3. Go to Spotlight and search for anything with the word Spotify in it.  I found that the 'Volume' Spotify was in my search results as well as the application and zip file. 

4.  Double click on the spotify volume/external disk from your search results which should then bring up a finder window asking you to move spotify into applications (as you normally would when installing anything) and once this was done I lauched again and it worked for me.


Very bizarre but it just seems like maybe some piece of code is missing/corrupt from the install which bring up the finder window telling you to move it applications normally? Hope this helps!

Got the same problem here. OS 10.7.5. 


Tried resintalling it: Doesn't work.

Tried disconnecting Wifi after launch. Worked fine. The App started. But after 5 sec. playing music Spotify shut down...


Very annoying. Actually planned to subscribe the premium version. Now I'm glad I didn't...


Any news yet?

Okay, so I start up my mac this morning, and I notice there's a Spotify update (as the blue notification bar indicates). "restart Spotify to download new update." So I did, but something glitched up because EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I go to "restart" or relaunch Spotify, it tells me it could not be opened. The app just sits there and bounces and mocks me and then a notification pops up saying the application couldn't open because an error occurred, not other applications were damaged.


I've deleted and reinstalled Spotify 5 times now. It still does this everytime, so I'm trying to figure out what is going on. 



Hi Just-Foosay! I've just moved your post over to this more relevant thread. 


If you could post this template here with all your relevant info it'd be a great help. I've got my eye on this thread. As soon as I have an update I'll post right here.  

this happened to me too..


the application was running just fine all day, then it closed down without notice and it wouldnt start.


I clean installed it but then after a couple of minutes, it shut down again and wouldn't open... please fix soon.


It takes ages 30sec-2minutes) for Spotify to launch and when I click on a song in my favorites it crashes within seconds 


A more detailed description, using numbered steps

1. First I reinstalled 

2. Then I reinstalled deleting the often mentioned folders

3. I also repeated this 

4. I rebooted my Mac and updated all possible programs and reinstalled Spotify again 


What I expected to happen

An update that solves that issue


What actually happened

Spotify does not work properly.


Approximately how many playlists do you have?

3 playlists, none for offline use


My desktop Spotify version (if applicable)


My provider and country



Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?

Can't show a screenshot of something that does not launch.

Hi Spotify!


Don't like to say this, but how can it be you're still havings those problems? They are coming regularly since at least a year!


From what I found, it seems that it MIGHT have anything to do with Flash and Java. I just got updates from both during the last days. Is there any connection? But even if - it can't be that Spotify is crashing with almost every new version of Flash or Java on Mac. I know I'm not the first nor will I be the last to say "I hope you find a solution really soon!"

At least I could find something out about my system. In my case, Spotify is starting correctly but crashing after klicking anything. I did what is said in many threads: Uninstall SiMBL and Flash. Than, Spotify seemed to work just fine.


Right after re-installing Flash (11.6.602.167), the problem started over again. I tried again to uninstall Flash - it worked (at least for a little while - I did not wait really long), I re-installed Flash - it did not work...


As we still need Flash, please find some solution!

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