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covers shown partially

covers shown partially







Operating System



My Question or Issue

Half a year ago I switched to a new iMac. Since then I see in the overview some covers on the right only partially. They are cut in the middle. In the example picture I have attached you could see it in the first row at "Release Radar", the cover and the text is not shown fully. And also in the 2nd row (the pink cover on the right) is only shown a little bit.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-05 um 09.29.10.png
5 Replies

Hey there @Phipsiii


Thanks for searching for the answer you need here! 


Most common issues can be fixed with a quick reinstall of the app. In some situations however, a clean (more thorough) reinstall of the app might be needed. This way, you can start afresh with Spotify on your device. 


Check out this help page in order to find the steps for clean reinstall on the affected device. 


Hope this helps. Let us know how it goes. 

Hi @Ivan

Thanks for your reply and your helping hands!


I tried and deleted all from your linked guideline. Now installed Spotify again, but I have the same problem. So some covers at right are cut-off again. Maybe do you have any other idea for me?

Hey @Phipsiii


Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

It's also a good idea to log in to your Spotify account on another device just to check if you observe the same. If it doesn't occur on a different device, we'd suggest making sure that your original device is up to speed with any software updates available.


Hope this helps. Keep us posted. 

Hi @Ivan

  • On my old iMac (11 years old) all is working normal
  • On the (several years old) Mac Book Air from a friend all is working normal
  • On my new iMac (4 months old) I have those problems. I can't believe it is the basic of my iMac. I have the latest available Mac-OS release (10.15.4) and real good performance (3 GHz 6-Core i5 and 32GB RAM and 512GB SSD) and there is no other big program running. I have this problem since I got my new iMac.

Hey @Phipsiii


Thanks for getting back to us.

Don't worry, you can always reach out to Apple's customer support here. We believe this is an issue that can be fixed with their help in this situation. 


Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions. 

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