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erratic play of unknown albums

erratic play of unknown albums



After a time without audio, the app (mac) still open, starts running an album (from groups I've never listened to)... Annoying... You're quiet and suddenly a deep trance drum&bass...

Is anyone experiencing the same ?

2 Replies

Hi there!

I know it sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Could you try restarting your device? If that doesn't help, try a quick clean reinstall of the app. Just follow these steps.


Make sure Spotify and macOS are up to date. I'd also recommend using the Sign Out Everywhere and Remove Offline devices from your Spotify account page to see if that helps 🙂

If you're still having trouble, could you let me know the exact version of Spotify and the exact version of the operating system you're running?

I'll see what I can suggest next!

It partially solved the problem. But it came back after a while.

It seems like there's a conflict withe the Web Chrome Player (that plugs itself automatically as a device)... When I disconnect it everything comes back to normal...


(OSX Mojave - Chrome up to date)

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