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Can't play anything.

Can't play anything.




The United States.


Personal computer

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Windows 10


My Question or Issue

 When I try to play any song I get the error message "Spotify can't play this right now.  If you have the file on your computer you can import it.".  It has been like this for 2 days now.  I have tried reinstalling Spotify several times.  Please help.  

3 Replies

Hello @Quincy1990 and welcome to the community!



This a known bug with the desktop app and Spotify is investigating the issue. There is a workaround which seems to be working for some users. Can you try the following steps:


  1. Open Notepad as an administrator (right-click - Open as Administrator)
  2. go to File - Open and navigate to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  3. Choose "All Files" instead of "Text Documents" next to the File Name box. You'll see a handful of files. Pick hosts and click on Open
  4. When the file is open, you will see a block of text with # in front of each line and might see entries like website.com127.0.0.1
  5. Check for any entries with Spotify in the address. Examples may look like: weblb-wg.gslb.spotify.com0.0.0.0
  6. If you do find any lines with Spotify, please remove them.
  7. Save your changes and restart Spotify.

Hope that solves the issue! Let me know if you have further questions. There is also an open issue about this here where you can track it and vote for it so it catches more attention. I hope this will get fixed on Spotify's end soon.


Have a nice day 🙂

there is nothing in the hosts file with spotify in it.

Okay two things, first there was nothing in the host file with spotify in it, second my issue is not the same as what was in that last post.  All the songs are showing.  Here is what I get when I try to play any song on spotify.  for every song.for every song.

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