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Can't search within liked songs/playlists

Can't search within liked songs/playlists







Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

Searching within Liked Songs seems to have gone away, or I just can't find it with the new design. Makes it very hard to navigate through 1000s of saved songs.

31 Replies

Hey everyone, i just figured it out. In the new update, the enhance feature has been switched to “Smart Shuffle”. If it’s on then the search bar will disappear. To turn it iff, just press on the shuffle button and you will now not only be able to see the search bar when scrolling down, but also see the download button on the far left. Hope this helps! 

this is bad and i don’t like it. one of my favorite features was being able to quickly switch between genres and now it’s just gone? seems like for no reason. what is the reason for removing this feature from the app?

Please add this feature! I use the web player at work and the mobile app otherwise, and this would be really useful.

THANK YOU!!!! This was so annoying. Doesn't make any sense why you can't search in your liked songs when smart shuffle is on. Hopefully Spotify fixes this soon

No it doesn't. 

IMG_1212.png this is how it looks now. No enhance, no search, no nothing. 


 For me it looks like this and nothing happens when I scroll down. 

This was it. Thanks a lot! 🙌🏻

It was the smart shuffle feature. You have to turn it off for search to appear. Not very user friendly, gotta admit. 

Clicking on the shuffle button fixes the problem..Why has Spotify not fixed this bug?  This post was 3 years ago!

Brilliant! Smart Shuffle seems to turn off the search bar (which is dumb). Regular shuffle still has the search bar.

👏👏, that’s it

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