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Cannot change my profile picture


Cannot change my profile picture

I would like to change my profile picture but I only see Avatars. Is there a way that I can upload a profile picture from my computer?

162 Replies

Hahaha...this is still going on? **bleep**...anyway, as i said and spotify can
verify...i canceled my subscription...deezer allows me the freaking basic
features and has the same music and price...

Keep on trolling ur clients

I recently got a paid account just to see if you could change profile pictures and it didn't work. I believe it may have to do with downloading spotify on a desktop.

So I'm having the same trouble, but I'm not talking about the profile on the Spotify APP. I'm referring to the profile in THIS community. I don't see a profile pic option anywhere on my Spotify COMMUNITY profile. I see this option on the mobile app and the desktop app. Can I have some help? All I've gathered from google is to go to the lower right-hand corner and select, "upload photo" but I don't see that anywhere.

Managed to change my profile pic on Spotify without using Facebook.

Mac users kindly download the app for you Mac at

Windows users at

After downloading log into the app. Click on your username on the top right. Then hover your mouse over your display picture and bam! you can change it!

THANK YOU. Been frustrated with this and your answer was the clearest 🙂

Go to settings button to the left of the search bar, when in it you will see a "avatar" tab, click it and well the rest is self explanitory! You can also upload your own picture as a profile picture in the spotify community if you are not satisfied by the options that spotify provides you!

Tried this. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. I can hover over the avatar until judgement day, nothing shows up. Has anyone come up with a solution yet? I even purchased it to see if that would help. Nothing.

Only way worked for me is to load your picture on a updated version of
spotify on a recent computer, I did it on my computer at work. My personal
mac is 10.8 and I couldn't update my spotify application, because I didn't
want to update my oxs system. Hope it help somehow

Hahah and on it goes.
Look, 2 braincells are needed to realize that this is an multiple year old issue and nothing is fixed. If it would be there would be a regular feature build in that every student can integrate.
The few for who it aparently got fixed...youre lying or it was done on individual basis.
You telling me in the year 2017 spotify doesnt know how to integrate a proper picture upload?
This issue is related to their businessplan and some of these paid contributors here should be labled criminals cause thats what you do. You lie on purpose to keep this quiet until you finally manage to change ur stoneage business contracts.

I'm pretty sure my chromebook has a different layout because my little avatar is shown at the bottom of the page.  I tried the whole clicking on the avatar and I've gone through all sorts of hoops on my account such as even applying to use a beta and I still can't get the profile picture. Would you be able to do like a picture walkthrough so I know exactly what you mean? Thanks!

I don't know about chrome book but I can do it on my windows desktop pc. That's the only way I could do it. For some reason you get access to features that you can't access from the mobile app (the same situation I have with my bank - some actions can only be done on the full site & not on the mobile app)

I finally managed to change mine. I did it on the desktop application. My computer is a PC running Windows 10. 

Here's how to do it:


1. Open the desktop app;

2. Click on your profile picture that shows on the upper right hand side;

3. A new window will open with your profile picture magnified on the upper left hand side of the screen;

4. Hover the mouse over your profile picture and the word "change" will show on the bottom. Click on it and the options "change" and "remove" will show.

Hope this helps.


Wait what if u don't have Facebook

You don't have to. My Spotify account is not associated with Facebook. I think there's an option on the desktop app to rid your account from Facebook. Actually, I opened my account through Facebook but later changed my mind. All I had to do was to private message Spotify on Twitter and they set me up Facebook-free.

I've literally tried everything. It doesn't show anything when I hover over the avatar. I don't understand why it's so difficult

Did you try it on the desktop app?

Hi would you kindly upload an image of it? Hmm I just can't seem to add it anywhere, on my phone app, desktop app or website of Spotify! It's so confusing! Cheers in advance.

There you go:


Yes, i have.

Maybe the desktop app appears different on your computer for some reason. Mine runs Windows 10, if this helps...

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