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Categories - Windows

Categories - Windows

First of all, I don't think this community is clarifying. And also not intuïtive. And I guess too many Apple users are working on Spotify. 


Here is what I am missing in the genres section. (I would wanna choose between genres and moods). If I have chosen genres, I want some sub genres, but also want to be able to leave out the subgenres and get ALL of a genres artists. All of them. And having said that, I want to be able to browse ALL music. Than I want to be able to put filters (search) on them to make MY selection. And I want to get to ALL of the music. In 1 list. Gonna be a big list. So I need some filtering options. Get me the list please. 


Filter on:


Publication date


Many times listened to

etc. etc. 


So come on Spotify. I am a Windows user, who knows what he wants and where to find it. If you make proper categories. 


And besides that I want always better (customisable) suggestions for new music. COME ON SPOTIFY. LET'S ROCK. 


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