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Desktop App does not connect at work. Possible Proxy issue?

Desktop App does not connect at work. Possible Proxy issue?

I've been having issues connecting to the Desktop App for a few months now.. I'm not sure exactly the issue but when I try to login I get a message in a red box below the login saying,

"Service is temporarily unavaiable, please try again later. (Error code: 2)"


I've tried messing with the proxy settings, but am still unable to connect here at work.  I miss my friend feed!  Can someone help me out with this?

2 Replies

This is happening to me too. I did some network connection analysis and it would seem not all of the network connections Spotify is creating at launch are honoring the proxy settings. I.E. some connections are attempting to go straight to the internet and are being blocked by firewalls in environments that proxy their access to the internet. I have told Spotify about this and gave them the network traffic analysis. I can only hope it will be fixed in the next version of Spotify.

I hope so too! I miss all the features of the desktop app! Specifically
queueing, friends feed, and detecting duplicates when adding to playlists.

Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.

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