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Error 101


Error 101

I can't log into Spotify, I get "error 101". I've tried the thing written in a LOT of times now. Anyone have any other ideas on what I can do? Seems kind of a waste to have Spotify Premium if I can't even log in. 🙂

66 Replies

@carolo wrote:

I'm having this issue on my son's spotify. Working last week and not this week. There has been no changes on the laptop. It's allowed through the only firwall. I've checked firwall and done a clean install. Frustrating to say the leasr. There is no reason I can see for this.  He's on XP.


Can anyone offer advice.




Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Try following all of the steps in this help article and see if that can get you online again.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I've been having the same problem, and I've tried uninstalling and installing over and over. I use Spotify through my facebook account. The first problem I saw was when I updated my Windows 7. After that, I couldn't get online with Spotify. I uninstalled and reinstalled it to see if that would work (the error code on the Spotify window was also 101) and then spotify wouldn't even let me log on.

@christiandbray wrote:

I've been having the same problem, and I've tried uninstalling and installing over and over. I use Spotify through my facebook account. The first problem I saw was when I updated my Windows 7. After that, I couldn't get online with Spotify. I uninstalled and reinstalled it to see if that would work (the error code on the Spotify window was also 101) and then spotify wouldn't even let me log on.

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Is Windows Firewall preventing Spotify from accessing the internet? 

Try going to Start > Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall > Change Settings (Requires Admin) > Find Spotify.exe > Make sure both boxes are ticked > OK



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I've been using spotify for 2 years too. And it started happening this morning. it takes forever to load, and it keeps saying error 114 or error 101. I don't know what to do.  :'(

Hello people


I also have the exact same problem. The program wont ket me log on regardless the firewall switched on or off, i've reinstalled it many times. De-install it, remove the rule from my firewall, run c-cleaner, restart computer, run c-cleaner again, reinstall (during which it asks for you to log on already) close the log on screen, make new rule in firewall settings, log on: NO CHANGES. I've had Spotify for months now, and just validated my 3rd 3-month premium card. My computer hasn't changed, my network hasn't changed... Nothing has changed on this end. Please help me out, because, although i really like the program, i'm starting to wonder if it's worth the trouble this way... only reason now i'm posting here is the 30 Euro's...

I had tried almost everything - you were right - McAffee was what was blocking it! I opened McAffee, went to Action Menu > Application List, > checked the Spotify boxes (I checked all 3) > clicked Add...and it worked! THANK YOU! I had been trying to get it to work for WEEKS! 

I am super frustrated!! Please help. I've been using Spotify for about a year now, on the same internet, so nothing has changed.  All of the sudden I am getting this ERROR 101 message and I couldn't use Spotify I did what was suggested and re-downloaded, etc. and now I can't log in at all!!

@14sanbornk wrote:

I am super frustrated!! Please help. I've been using Spotify for about a year now, on the same internet, so nothing has changed.  All of the sudden I am getting this ERROR 101 message and I couldn't use Spotify I did what was suggested and re-downloaded, etc. and now I can't log in at all!!

Do you have any security software such as a firewall running on your computer? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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Hi. This is a communication error at your end. Have you recently added a new firewall or security/antivirus application? Does the web player work?


Could you please try the steps in this FAQ and let me know if it resolves things.

@Peter wrote:

Do you have any security software such as a firewall running on your computer? 


No, I've been through all the steps... its allowed through my firewall and there hasn't been any issues with anything else on my computer and internet connectivity, so I don't see any reason for this Error 101...

I've tried alll the aforementioned remedies to my error 101 problem and have not yeilded any results. My firewall allows Spotify, I've reinstalled, I've reset my antivirus settings. Still my Spotify player claims I'm offline or it can't connect to my internet. what do I do? 😧 

It is possible to try connecting to a different network to rule out this being router related? 

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I get the same error code. I won't even let me reinstall. Can someone help?

@sverrewegge wrote:

I get the same error code. I won't even let me reinstall. Can someone help?

@what operating system are you using @sverrewegge ?

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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is there a customer service number I can call to help solve this problem.  I am not having any luck solving this problem either and I cannot seem to find any contact information whatsoever on the spotify homepage. 


@billyw88 wrote:

is there a customer service number I can call to help solve this problem.  I am not having any luck solving this problem either and I cannot seem to find any contact information whatsoever on the spotify homepage. 


Spotify don't do telephone support, but you can get in touch with the customer services team directly using the online contact form and they will be able to assist you via email.

If you get an automated email reply back directing you to the community or help pages, you need to reply directly to that email (even if its from no-reply) and one of the customer services agents will get back to you as soon as possible.

Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

Spotify Last.FM Twitter LinkedIn Meet Peter Rock Star Jam 2014

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I have the same problem, I have gone through and tried different things. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program correctly many times. At this point I could still at least get onto my spotify account, just not able to play music (said I was offline). At this point I had reinstalled it a few moments ago, refreshed my computer and tried to log in. Error code 101 has came up again asking me to change my settings and or make sure it isn't blocked by my firewall. I went through and made sure these things were done, even reset my password. I STILL cannot log into my account. Please help~



I had the same issue and none of the fixes or re-installs did any good. I went into Windows Security and selected "Allow a program through Windows Firewall" but that didn't work. I happened to just log into the Windows Security main dialog box and noticed it said "another program is managing your firewall: Norton". I opened up Norton, went to settings (min has a password), clicked the second tab "Program Rules" and it looked like all but one Spotify instance (there are like four or five "helpers" etc.) was allowed. Unblocked that by clicking the button and Voila! Worked like a charm.

I have Norton 360 as a virus protector. I went into my Norton settings & had to reset my firewall settings & now it's working fine. If you have a anti-virus program try going to it's settings for firewall & reset them if you can!

Fixed! You rock!!

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