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Friend Activity Stop

Friend Activity Stop

  1. Hi. 

I been using the windows app in my computer. A few days ago I noticed that my friend actitivity stop and I can see what my friend listened 4 days ago. I ask them and they see the same trouble only with my profile. 


I already unistall the app, closed my session, unfollow and follow again some friends, make sure be online and the problem continue. How can I solve this error

5 Replies

yeah, this is also happening with me and has been a problem for about a week. BUMP

Been having this problem for a very long time and already tried to reinstall spotify numerous times and never worked for me. Would really like to see this problem solved because i follow and people with great taste in music e i would love to see what they are listening to. 


Hi I have the same problem, I can't see the activity of some of my friends and they can't see my activity too from a week. I've already disinstall and intall the app but I can't solve the problem.

Thank you

Hi, I'm facing the same issue.

How can we solve this problem? Tks!

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