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Hiding bad suggestions

Hiding bad suggestions


Have been looking for a way to hide podcast suggestions, I don't listen to podcasts and with how bad the suggestions are I don't think I ever will. 

I came across this post which is now locked with a non-solution posted so I can't add my suggestion there-


For others looking for a solution here is a workaround. It's not great but at least you won't have to look at those awful suggestions again


1. You'll have to listen from 

2. Install an ad blocker (recommend

3. Open the uBlock settings (in chrome click the puzzle piece icon to the right of the address bar, click the uBlock icon, click the cog icon)

4. Click the "My filters" tab

5. Paste "[aria-label="Shows to try"]" into the filter list (no quotes)

6. Click "Apply changes" and close the window


Next time you load  the podcast suggestions will be gone

5 Replies

Hey there @sypher,


Thanks for sharing your workaround to this in the Community!


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I wish to seond that request. Spotify has been recommending a podcast for days now with an image that I really do not want to see everytime I open my frontpage. I don't even listen to podcasts, but I can ignore that bar if it isn't filled with unpleasant imagery.

Using *= in the attribute selector will let you remove sections based on keywords. The "i" at the end makes the matching case-insensitive.


Here are a few extra filters you can use:[aria-label*="recently" i][aria-label*="shows" i][aria-label*="episode" i][aria-label*="podcast" i][aria-label*="find your favourite new song" i]


This works on both the Web player and PWA.

Exactly my problem!
Since last week spotify decided to put some lame podcast channel with disgusting image and I have to see it every f*c*king time i start the dekstop app.

If the *d*ots would at least allow us to hide/rollup that row so its not visible...but why bother if they just want to spam us with disgusting content.
I'm on spotify premium trial (3 month for 1) and I'm quite sure I'm not gonna keep it, as it looks they dont give damn about that topic as suggestion thread is ignored since 2018

thumbs up for OP, at least ppl using web player has workaround...


edit: was meant as reply to MakiOfSpring



I use the program on my computer though, not the spotify website.

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