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New update interface

New update interface

What's up with the new Windows desktop app interface?


Scrolling through playlists or albums is slower than ever, as the songs take 2-3 seconds to show up as you scroll up or down. Also, the new "sticky" menu at the top isn't fluid enough, it looks very awkward whenever it appears or disappears.


Please fix this asap, it gets really frustrating after some time.



5 Replies

Hey @user-removed, and welcome to the community. 

Hope youโ€™re doing great!


Iโ€™m sorry to hear this. Iโ€™d recommend doing a clean reinstall of the app, to see if that helps.


If that doesnโ€™t help, please send me a screenshot of what youโ€™re seeing or any error messages (make sure to hide sensitive info when posting to the community)


I look forward to your reply! ๐Ÿ™‚

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Hello, thank you for the reply.


I tried reinstalling Spotify but it didn't change anything.

Here's a short clip to show how awkward the interface looks when scrolling.


Thank you for your time!


Hey, again @user-removed.


Thanks for the clip, and sorry to hear that reinstalling didnโ€™t help!


Could you send me your current device (the device this is happening on), software version, and app version? Also, make sure that your app is up-to-date.

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

The device is a Dell XPS 13 9350 and I think the software version is

Hey, @user-removed.


Could you toggle Hardware Acceleration to see if that helps? If it doesn't let's please try a different reinstallation. The one where you can delete the Spotify folder from App Data.


App Data can be accessed by putting %appdata% in the Run window. The Run window can be accessed with Ctrl + R from anywhere.


Keep me posted ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Billy-JSpotify Star
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Note: I'm not a Spotify employee.

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