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Play only one Song from a List


Play only one Song from a List

Hi there,

how can I play only one song when i'm e.g. in an album or a playlist?

When I doubleclick the song, the rest of the tracks will be played, too.

Please don't tell me, it's not possible...


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Hey @Sagehorn,


We understand what you mean. It is possible to play the same song by hitting the Repeat button twice, but it will keep repeating that song and there's no way for it to automatically stop at the end of the song unless you pause. 


If you want an option to play only one song in an album without repeating it, and you think others would like it implemented, you can create an idea and others can vote for it and contribute to the discussion. 


We always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app, and you can read more about how ideas work here.


Let us know if there's anything else 🙂

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13 Replies

Hey @Sagehorn, help's here. 


If you look up a song which is displayed in a playlist or album, it's not possible to only play that song. You can however choose to repeat only that song by pressing the repeat button twice (find more info here).


If you want to only play that song, you can add it to a new playlist containing only that song. 


Hope that helps! If not, let us know the intention of wanting to play only one song, and we'll see what we can do.


All the best!


Of course this is not satisfying 😉

In Winamp i was able to click "Play this Song only" in the context menu of the track.

I think its necessary. How can you explain to your users that they are not able to only listen to one song? I want simplicity and you wont get it if you have to create a playlist therefor ...


Btw: Is it so hard to make a more customizable interface? Are you afraid the coders lose overview? 😉

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Hey @Sagehorn,


We understand what you mean. It is possible to play the same song by hitting the Repeat button twice, but it will keep repeating that song and there's no way for it to automatically stop at the end of the song unless you pause. 


If you want an option to play only one song in an album without repeating it, and you think others would like it implemented, you can create an idea and others can vote for it and contribute to the discussion. 


We always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app, and you can read more about how ideas work here.


Let us know if there's anything else 🙂

My desire to play only one track is to go to sleep listening to a meditation or a story sleep podcast such as “Nothing Much Happens”.

Hey there @Mistyv,

Thanks posting here in the Community! We'll gladly help you out.

You can play only one track or podcast by turning off Autoplay and removing everything in your Play queue. This way after your currently played item ends, nothing else will start until you manually select it 🙂


Hope this info is useful. Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.


Have an awesome day!

Mihail Moderator
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This answer is not valid at the moment. I created a list with only one song. After the song is done, Spotify just keeps bringing new ones to play. You can see this happening in the "Play Queue" list. There, you need to remove each song from the queue one by one 

Hey @cmy


Thanks for reaching out. This doesn't right and we'll be happy to investigate further.


If you have our Premium service and you turn Autoplay off, you should be able to listen to just one song at a time if that's the only track in the playlist.


If you have trouble with that, could you send us a screen recording of what you're experiencing so that we can take a closer look.


We'll be on the lookout for your reply.

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this has to be the most moronic way of playing music. why does anyone even use spotify. its horrible

I have a playlist of songs and podcast episodes to put my kid to sleep. I only want to play one song or episode from that list and then stop, but it queues the entire list. If I try to clear the queue it adds the entire list to "Up next". I don't understand why it's so hard to have a way to disable auto play of the rest of the list? I don't want to clutter my list of playlists with a million playlists with one item each.

On Spotify Android app the entire playlist gets re-added to "up next" if I clear the queue.

you have to go get a mobile device with the spotify app and turn on a sleep timer to stop at the end of the current track. a desktop computer simply doesn’t have the ability to play one song and stop. it takes a lot of computing power to stop playing music.

this does not answer the original question!!! The original question wants to know how to play one song and that's it without it jumping to a completely different song or podcast once that's played and goes out of the album to completely play something else


This is absurd! The same way you have sn easy 1-click iotiin to 'repeat/liip' a song... there needs to ALSO be a one-click easy way to play ONLY that one track then stop... without having to make freaking 1 track playlist or dig into account settings!!! 


This is especially needed for when using a meditation track, or any track to go to sleep.

This is not a hard concept... why make it so convoluted???  

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