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Premium - Crackling, Stuttering


Premium - Crackling, Stuttering

After a day of futzing around with this, I'm at wits end.


I'm using a Dell Latitude laptop (work laptop).  It has a fully updated version of Windows 7 64-bit.  Since the last update (I think) I've bee hearing crackling and stuttering in any and all tracks.  It comes and goes, there could be 30 seconds of pristine playback and then a brief crackle/stutter.  


After searching the forums and Intertubes, here's the things I've tried:


1. Resetting sound device settings, and trying various stample rates and bit-depths

2. Toggling off Hardware Acceleration

3. Toggling off Play all songs at same volume

4.  High quality streaming

5.  Downloading playlists local


I went so far as to drop $100 on a USB DAC that bypasses my built in Soundcard in my laptop and docking station, and the crackling still persists.  


It does NOT happen in iTunes, Windows Media Player, or in YouTube videos.  Only Spotify.  I'm getting really frustrated, as I'm paying $10 a month for a service that is almost unusable to me for 8-10 hours a day.  


It works fine on my iPhone and my several Macs at home without issues.  Only my Windows 7 machine that's causing the problem.  

183 Replies
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clear as mud this , but uninstall reinstall seems to fix. 😄

Marked as solution

yes, it seems that reinstalling fix the annoying bug

tried this and for the last twenty minutes - no crackilng - thanks

I've been fighting this stutter problem for a long time on my Lenovo T440s laptop running Windows 7 (64 bit). 


I could make it stutter easily by using Chrome or Firefox to browse to a website.


Finally! The problem is gone now that I've done what someone else suggested -- lowering my sound card's property settings to "2 channel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality)". I also added Spotify to my Norton's exception list (both for the firewall and antivirus) but I really think it was the sound card property change that had the biggest impact.


I'm replying to my earlier post where I thought that changing my audio settings resolved my stuttering problem with Spotify. It was temporary and it didn't really solve it.


Actually, the problem has been that my whole computer momentarily freezes when I'm using Google Chrome. Having Spotify stutter was just one of many symptoms. My mouse would also stall (not move) for a second or two when my computer would momentarily hang.


I tried several potential remedies but in the end, it was one (or more) of my Google Chrome browser extensions (add-ins). I don't know which one but the most likely culprit is Adblock Plus (v1.9.4) but another possibility was WOT (web of trust).

Since the latest IOS update I have now started getting this problem I will canceling my premium until this is fixed!

I think that it's a symptom of the machine not allocating enough resources to Spotify.


Taking my laptop out of "Power Saving" mode fixed the problem for me.

In regard to my earlier reply, my culprit has been the Dashlane extension in my browsers -- Chrome especially. As soon as I disable the Dashlane extension in Chrome, all of my computer problems with hesitation, stuttering, etc., go away. I have focused my energy in resolving that but have only made minimal progress. 

Warning Anecdote: 


I was able to fix my crackling issues by switching what USB port my DAC was plugged into. For whatever reason, my JDS element didn't like a USB 3.0 port.

I've been using Spotify Premium now for about 6 months without any sound problems. Today, all of a sudden, I've got this anoying crackling and stuttering. The good news: after I found this thread I uninstalled and reinstalled Spotify - and the problem has gone!

Not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but I was having the same problem. It was driving me absolutely nuts!


I tried updating drivers, changing cables, speakers, amp etc nothing fixed my audio crackles. What ended up being the culprit was Avast! AntiVirus, it seems the firewall component of that scans everything, even HTTPS traffic coming and going from Spotify. Not to say that it is a bad thing, it means you are getting complete protection, and viruses can't just creep in using HTTPS. To fix my audio crackles, all I had to do was exclude Spotify from the firewall, and now I have no crackles. I guess Avast was scanning traffic going in and out from Spotify causing those little lags / stutters.


I hope this helps someone. I'm sure there's plenty more users using Avast + Spotify and having similar problems.




Ugraded to Premium after years and years of loyal use of the once cheaper no ads -option. The result: crackling, stuttering sound, really irritating. Windows 10.


Uninstalling didn't work, clearing cache didn't work, hardware acceleration off had no effect, sound quality no effect. Even stuff that sits on my hard drive played through Spotify stutter and crackle.


This >< close to cancelling my Premium.

I solved mine by un-installing, cancelling my subscription, and using Apple Music instead.


Problem solved.

some songs on Spotify Premium running on Windows 10 has cracking. the same songs are fine on Youtube.

I have the same issue. The suggested fixes have not resolved it for me. Moving the mouse stops the problem so it might be something to do with power settings / CPU throttling?

Nope.. didn't solve it. 

Is anyone still experiencing this in the 2017 - Premium account Spotify version - Windows 8 


I tried everything: 

  • Proxy OFF
  • Reinstall
  • I bought a USB audio card (issue still persist)

It helped to turn off windows firewall completely for me.

 I had this problem YEARS ago and pretty much gave up on Spotify.. now for kicks I tried Spotify again and the SAME thing still happens... and this is with another computer... this stuttering, delay, echo is so annoying.. I'm gonna stick with Apple Music.. never had any issues with them... yet

Marked as solution

Ok I fixed the problem and I have to say I am kinda embarresed to say what it is guys.

You all ready for this. Its really this easy. I have spent a ton of money and I have been so pissed off about it and now to find out what it is im just even more pissed. It is the bluetooth headphones. Everyone go get your other set of plug in headphones and turn off the bluetooth headset and go back to your plug in headphones and guess what no more skipping and choppy **bleep** to deal with. Thank god I have to say I am over wireless **bleep** not working right and causing this much **bleep** all the time. Trust me guys its the wireless headphones and bluetooth. Happy music with no more skipping , thank god

cheers guys.!!

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