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Radio Station like and unlike

Radio Station like and unlike

It appears that once you have chosen to like or dislike a song that shows up in a radio station, that you cannot undo that choice.  These buttons should be on a toggle in my opinion. I've clicked the button on accident a few times, and it would be nice to be able to take it right back.  Also just noticed that i had to thumb down 4 songs from en.yo in a row.  What method does it use to improve the station?

75 Replies

see and give kudos to that idea if you would like to see it implemented 🙂

It shows this as being 'solved', but where is the solution? It takes me to another person's comments that is not actually giving any resolve. Am I missing it?

I have undone the solution marker for you 😉 

I would suggest everyone goes to the ideas page linked to above and adds their kudos!



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Okay, so I come here to find a solution and all I find are complaints!

I think I'm gonna have to unsubscribe and stop paying for this f'd up service.

Where the hell can you get solutions to your problems?

Yep the same thing happened to me, insead of techno I now have punk, all I want to do is reset the sation cause it is no longer based on what i want to listen to, the only way to work around it right now it to create a New station similar to the old one and hope that the new one doesnt get screwed up by my liking ONE song slighty closer to punk then techno. I love some of the features of spotify but at this rate I am just going to go back to pandora, and that kind of dissapoints me, anyone know of a lovechild of pandora and spotify?

Indeed, this is annoying. I had a great station based on a playlist and now, because I hit a wrong button, there's no going back. Spotify, if you restore my beloved "Skriva Musik" radio back to how it was, I'll promise to be more responsible with my clicking in the future.

@Nickski wrote:

Okay, so I come here to find a solution and all I find are complaints!

I think I'm gonna have to unsubscribe and stop paying for this f'd up service.

Where the hell can you get solutions to your problems?

It's very frustrating. I was checking out the brand new Windows preview client and there is still no way to delete or rename a radio station. This has been asked for by thousands of customers for years. Over a year ago, it was on the top 10 list of the most popular customer suggestions/ideas. And now, over a year later, still nothing. Just like everything else on that list. Not one customer requested feature has been implemented.


I really hope Spotify pulls it together and gets some new leadership in place. They are not focused on making things better for the customer. And this will certainly lead to ruin if they don't get some miracle buyout from Facebook or some other big company.

So I think I've found a work around (at least partially)

If you have a playlist that you would like to "re enable " for liking or disliking songs, just copy the entire list to a new list with another name and the likes will be reset.

However this seems to only work for radio's started for set playlist, not radio's you've started for artists.

I have to agree, this is definitely an issue to be addressed. This happened to me at least three times on a station I've been trying hard to tailor (rather unsuccessfully, I might add, based on Spotify's continuously unenjoyable song suggestions- I am also curious what method it's using). Hopefully Spotify will use these complaints as basis for new updates, or something. I wouldn't be posting if I didn't hope it would help the cause.

Is there any progress on this? I've got two songs in my station that are completely screwing it over, accidentally liked a stupid remake and now the original I wanted in the station won't come up.

@SteevyT wrote:
Is there any progress on this? I've got two songs in my station that are completely screwing it over, accidentally liked a stupid remake and now the original I wanted in the station won't come up.

Hi, on the ideas page a work-around can be found for your problem.


Go to your profile page in Spotify and find your "Likes on your radio-station". There you can delete likes. Unfortunately this method can't be used for dislikes..


Regards, Arjen

actually, there is no visible way to delete from there, either. clicking through on the radio list gives the option to completely delete the station list. that's ... not a work around. that's a 'get rid of all of your progress and start again.'


is there really a reason this is so hard to fix?

It also seems to play the songs you skip or try to remove over and over again.  Other than this I love Spotify.

Come on Spotify, you gotta fix it...

we don't pay you 10$ a month for nothing

Bumping to see if there another way to do this yet.

Another? You mean is there 'a' way do do it? any way?

LOL this is where they got you, the don't care. this has been an issue for years and yet they still haven't fixed it. All they want is your money.

This still appears to be an issue. Anyone found a solution yet?

Nope, nothing yet.

Spotify... are you listening...? This IS your official forum afterall.


Could neither do it from the app, nor online was any way to unlike any.
I'm quite finicky about my channels, and am sure there'd be pplenty such people like me 🙂

My Pandora channels got into a cyclic loop and that was a main reason for movie to Spotify in fact...

It seems to me that the best way to make a radio station is to make a playlist and play the radio from the playlist, then make sure to never hit thumbs up or down on anything. Instead of "thumbs uping" a song, just add the song to the playlist and restart the radio. This is a pretty weak fix I'll admit but I think you'll at least have some more control. You can always delete a song from the playlist and restart the radio.


It puts a hurtin' on the playlist "Liked from Radio" and consequently the radio station that you could make from that playlist. Another option is to make a playlist-for-radio that you like and then make a duplicate, say, New Playlist and New Playlist R. In New Playlist R you can experiment with thumbs ups and downs but you'll always have the blank template to return to.


I want to add that I agree with the OP that the dislike and like features should be toggle switches and that when you toggle on or off the radio station goes back to how it would be if the button had never been pressed.

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