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Radio | Wont find playlist based songs

Radio | Wont find playlist based songs



I started a new radio on one of my playlists. On the PL there are only cover songs from "String Tribute Players" and "Vitamin String Quartet"

Vitamin String Quartet – Wake Me Up (String Quartet Tribute to Avicii)

String Tribute Players – Through The Fire And Flames


But the radio is getting me songs like these:

Turisas – Stand Up And Fight

Dan Bull – I Lead the League of Legends

Frank Klepacki – Hell March

and even if I downvote them, they come up again.


It's a real struggle to listen to the radio, I tried to teach it which kind of songs I like by

up/downvoting and adding new songs based on the others but nothing changes.

And the radio is also playing songs I already have in my PL.


When I start the radio I want to listen to new songs based on the ones I already liked.

Is there any way to fix this? It is really annoing!


One more songs the radio told me I could like: Turisas – Rasputin 

One does not simply find a song  on this radio, I guess.

2 Replies

How big is the playlist you are starting it from?

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I've tried with with different sized playlists.


Some had 10-20 songs other had over 100

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