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Remove from startup


Remove from startup

Spotify automatically starts up when I turn my computer on. How do I stop that? I am using windows 7 os.




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It's under Preferences, click on Advanced Settings. Under (Startup and Windows Behaviour) is the setting that you need. Was annoying me to but found the solution.

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I just installed (06/19/2017) Spotify so should have newest version.

click on down arrow  its to the right of profile button in upper right of page.

click on settings.  Scroll down to end of settings then click on "advanced settings"

Scroll down to "Startup and Window Behaviour"  Subhead says "Open Spotify automatically.

Down arrow gives three choices.  Choose "NO".   Restart..  Spotify  should not start.

And shortcut on desktop put there on installation should now work

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I had this problem and changing the settings and restarting didn't work. Go to task manager<startup<spotify and select disable then restart. That worked for me.

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169 Replies


You should be able to do this by popping into 'Preferences' ('Edit' at the top of your Spotify). It should be down the bottom of the page.

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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Except that when you select 'do not open automatically'  it still begins on startup.  I have checked the usual places on Windows for startup items.  THis is annoying- please help.

I have looked into this a bit more.  In the AppData Roaming directory for Spotify there are two files: setting and spotify.args -these both mention autostart even with the option 'off' in the SettingsPanel (as mentioned above).  Please provide values for these files so that it does not autostart.  I am about to uninstall and cancel. Apps should not take the liberty of autostarting.  I love Spotify but want it to run when I choose to run it.  This is a deal breaker.

Have you checked whether Spotify is set to autostart from msconfig?


Start >> Run >> msconfig.exe

(or in Windows Vista / 7 without a run command, just type "msconfig.exe" into the search box on the start menu, and hit enter when it finds the executable)


Under the start up tab look for an item called spotify, then just untick it. Save those changes and see if that fixes it?

First was the record, then the cassette, the CD, then came along Spotify... that really did change everything!

Yes, even with Spotify unchecked in Startup items under msconfig the App still starts automatically after restart.  The Startup Items directory is clear too and the Don't open automatically option is selected in Prefs.  This is on Windows 7 SP 1 with your latest version.  

You mentioned the settings file in AppData\Roaming\Spotify...


I've just had a look at mine (which was set to not open automatically), and found no parameter that referenced to automatic starting.


However, after changing my preferences so that spotify should open, and then exitting Spotify (to prompt it to update the settings file), I've found a parameter called: "autorun_type" has been added.


Can you check whether such a parameter exists in your settings file?

First was the record, then the cassette, the CD, then came along Spotify... that really did change everything!

So with the setting of 'Dont open automatically' it seems to remove that param.  When I set it to 'Open automatically' in the App it sets that param with a value of 1.  'Open auto but minimized' sets it to 2. 'Dont open' then removes the param again.  I tried setting it to 3 by hand and restarting but it still autostarted and the preference was set to' Open auto but minimized' in the prefs. 

Has anyone found the solution to this? Spotify comes up every time I start up, but even though I've checked the button in preferences that says for it not to.

Man Mad uninstalling!


This is too frustrating

I have tried the usual stuff and this boot at startup junk is not  for me.  


Pandora dosent force herself on me- why are you so clingy Spotify?  


Did you go through a bad breakup and cant stand being alone?

I just want to be with you on my terms... 

Just had a user at work with this problem. I went into Edit | Preferences and selected "Do not open automatically" and also unchecked the "Spotify Web Helper" from MSConfig (Click Start, then type msconfig in the "Search Program Files... " box, Startup tab. Restarted the laptop and voila! No more Spotify on startup. 


Hope this helps anyone still having trouble.





Of course that also would mean that Spotify won't be able to open itself from a Web link (Play button etc) unless the client was already open... but I guess that's less annoying that the client opening when you don't want it to!

First was the record, then the cassette, the CD, then came along Spotify... that really did change everything!

I have also had this problem and have not been able to fix it in Prefs or through msconfig Startup. George can we get Spotify to make a patch or something? What's the deal? This is super annoying...

1. go to start and type: regedit

2. navigate to HKEY_current_user/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run

3. delete spotity and spotify web helper


and that should solve your problem.



I checked all that on my computer but the final step to make it stop wasn't in that /run folder. I have everything checked. I have "don't automatically open on start up" checked and back when I did have the option on my start up files (which is now gone for some reason) I had it unchecked too. Spotify even tries to open 2 of itself when it starts up I will get the normal log in window plus some error window that says "another version of this is already open on your computer" or something to that effect. I love spotify and have been using it close to a year I believe but back when I had windows XP I never had these issues. Now that I've upgraded this is been the only application that causes the most annoyance for me on start up. Is there a fix for this? Or possibly an update soon? I've seen many people ask for help on this and get nothing that actually works. I know all the ways of opening msconfig, using CCleaner to do this as well but all of that is not even helping this issue. What's going on guys?

Yup - exact same for me Hanky. SUPER LAME!

I had the same issue, spotify prefs, registry keys, msconfig, startup folder, and 3rd party boot utilities (ccleaner, glary utilities) would not work, or was not able locate the Spotify startup files. Here are the steps if all else seems to not work.


First open Spotify if it is not already running.


(1) Delete the Spotify Icon on your desktop if you currently have one. (Any Spotify shortcuts created before completing these steps will no longer work).


(2) Open task manager (ctrl + shift + esc)


(3) Switch to Processes tab and Right-Click "Spotify.exe" and select "open file location".


(4) In this folder you should see two application files named, "Spotify" and "SpotifyLauncher".

 Right click each file and add a 1 to the end of the file name.

"Spotify1" and "SpotifyLauncher1"


(5) Right click Spotify1 and select create shortcut. It should make a shortcut icon which you can drag to your desktop. (This file can be renamed to anything as long as the target is not changed).


Once this is complete, it should no longer load on startup. You can now use the created desktop shortcut to open Spotify.
Hope this helps - IS



WORKED PERFECT............ no more spotify on start up........... many thanks 😉

I've tried all the solutions in this thread and none of them have worked. I went into msconfig, registry editor, and spotify preferences. There aren't even any spotify options in msconfig or regedit, so I don't know what to do. If I don't find a solution soon I'm just going to have to uninstall on my computer. 


I haven't had this problem on my old windows vista laptop, but in my new windows 7 I have spotify pinned to the taskbar and it opens twice every single time I start up no matter what I do. I have to go in to the tast manager and stop the processes to close them. this is incredibly annoying and is making me a very frustrated spotify customer. 

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