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Search Bubble gone

Search Bubble gone

 The search bubble for Spotify on desktop is gone on the app and I have bold text. I have to scroll all the way up and press the search button to find a song which is just a waste of time where I have to go off my whole playlist. I have reinstalled Spotify to try and fix the problem but there was no change to the app. If someone could tell me if this was an update or a way to fix it that would be a lot of help thanks!


Spotify missing search.JPG
4 Replies

Hey there @TheRockstar,

thanks for posting in the community !


The changes you're describing are due to the new update.

As you can see in the picture below the "Search Bar" was moved a bit to the right and the text is bloded.


ללא שם.jpg


Let me know if you have further questions 😃

I've forgotten to check this post in awhile sorry but the bubble is completely gone for me it is'int on the right or anywhere I have to go all the way to the search tab to find a song. Also, a new problem has arrived today when playing some songs the picture of the album does not show at the bottom left of the app. I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling Spotify and logging out then in but no change missingMissing Album PhotoMissing Album PhotoSpotify search bubble missing 1.JPG

Spotify search bubble missing 1.JPG

Same for me, really **bleep** anoying!


I've always hated Spotifys insensitivity towards their user community, they just remove really useful and commonly used functions on a whim just to suit their own incentives.

Same here (Desktop/Mac). What is the point in making the user navigate into a sub-menu just to be be able to search.

At first, when I saw the Search Menu I was excited because I thought there would be some advanced search features where once could add search criteria such as release year, label or other stuff but no... just an extra screen just to get me to the search box. Very anyoing.

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