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Shuffle mode playing the same songs all the time

Shuffle mode playing the same songs all the time

I have a playlist with 10,000 songs and use shuffle to listen to them. What I realized the past weeks is that the same songs are played over and over again - and not because I listen to this playlist 24/7 but because the shuffle mode seems to not pick songs just randomly but has some kind of algorythm behind to pick certain songs all the time again and again. This is quiet annoying because the reason I use shuffle in a playlist with 10,000 is not to listen to the same songs all the time but to have variety!

Top Answer
Spotify Star

Hi @Tom7777777,


Thanks for posting in the Spotify Community!


Unfortunately, in large playlists (over 150 songs), the shuffle option prioritizes the songs that Spotify perceives you enjoy the most; this is why you might notice that some songs are repeated while listening on shuffle.


However, there is currently a Live Idea to have an option for a “true” shuffle, which would play all the songs in a playlist in a random order, and once they’re all played, reshuffle them and play them again. If this is something you’re interested in, I’d recommend adding your +VOTE to this idea; the more votes an idea gets, the likelier it is that Spotify will implement it, and you can read more about how feedback on ideas reaches Spotify here.


It will also be useful for you to Subscribe to the idea by clicking the three dots next to its title; that way, you can be sure to be informed of any relevant updates.


Let me know if you have any other questions, and have a good day!

204 Replies

At bare minimum, being able to randomize the playlist order permanently from the edit menu then save that new order would be an extremely simple and useful approach. Users could then simply play their playlist in order. It is extremely irritating to listen to the same half hour of music on loop when I have several days worth of music saved to my device. Pretending that this is a more complicated issue than it is is just embarrassing. 

In my case this is a complete lie. Whenever I fire up shuffle the same songs in the same order play. I checked it with removed catche, restarted spotify and with any playlist.

I see that this is an ongoing issue, previously I was thinking I'm going mad because this is not how shuffle works.

Either change the name or algorithm or I will change streaming provider (been with spotify for 8 years).

It's crazy that for so long this haven't been fixed. Talk to your managers for goodness sakes

This works!.....Find the required playlist and change from custom order to duration, then select shuffle

yeah, this is ridiculous.  Just give us a true random option as well! PLEASE!

I have a playlist with like 700 songs, and there ones i havent gotten yet, the shuffle is so unrandom it hurts, so is there a setting witch fixes this, or alternativevly just add a true shuffle, make it a premium exulsive or something idk, cause i dont see a use for shuffle id its not random

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