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Idea Exchange Guidelines: How does my feedback reach Spotify?



This is part of a series of articles outlining how the Idea Exchange works:


  1. Idea Exchange Guidelines: What do I need to know before submitting?
  2. Idea Exchange Guidelines: How can I submit an idea? What happens next?
  3. Idea Exchange Guidelines: Why was my idea closed? 
  4. Idea Exchange Guidelines: How does my feedback reach Spotify? 

The Idea Exchange is one of the most active areas of the Community.


Many of you have questions about how the Ideas Exchange works, such as:

  • Do ideas matter?
  • How is an idea communicated to Spotify HQ?
  • How do votes impact the outcome of an idea?
  • How do you decide what to implement or close?

We're here to help try and clear some of these questions up.


The Community team produces reports on Ideas and passes them to the right teams at the right time. You can see one of the follow statuses for each idea:


Live Idea 

Ideas that are open for voting and commenting.

Under Consideration

This feature is coming. We have a rough timeline for a release.


After this stage there are usually 2 possible outcomes:



This feature is rolled out. Yay!


Not Right Now

We talked about this internally but it’s not on our timeline right now. That doesn't mean it never will be. 


Of course, votes are not the only deciding factors of what Spotify is going to do or not do next. We also have to consider the following:

  •        Helping artists.
  •        Data and other information we've collected.
  •        Information from research testing, focus groups, and surveys.
  •        Feedback in the Community and other support channels.
  •        Our overall short- and long-term business strategy.

Further, if we build something that didn't originate from the Community, we'll take the time to announce it if a corresponding idea exists in the Community. Even if it hasn't necessarily reached enough votes.



We hope this helps clarify how your comments and votes reach the right teams here at Spotify. Thanks again for your continued feedback and support.

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