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Spotify open and kind of stop work but does'nt close

Spotify open and kind of stop work but does'nt close






Operating System

Windows 7


My spotify simple open, load everything but never plays, it's like he simple turn off, he don't show up in devices and nothing, i can click anything i want, nothing happens and my friends timeline stop refresh at same time, if i click PLAY, nothing happens, if i click play really fast after start the program he show the album cover, show the song duration but dont play the music, the timeline don't move. I've try reinstal 10 times already and nothing and the HOST thing, nothing, and now he don't show some albuns covers, he also ins't in the audio mixer, BUUUT work in other devices


10 Replies

The exact same thing is happening to me. I am also a premium user, I also using the app in desktop/windows 7, I also live in Brazil and I also started to face the problem today, all day long. I have reinstalled the program several times and the error continues. We need support please!!!


callorda, a solução que encontrei (depois de muito pesquisar/tentar alternativas) e que aparentemente resolveu o problema foi atualizar o meu windows 7 para windows 10. Depois disso, o app voltou a funcionar normalmente. Acredito que seja alguma incompatibilidade das novas versões do spotify com o windows 7. Fica aí a dica (já que o suporte não diz nada conclusivo a respeito).

Infelizmente atualizar para o Win10 não é uma opção, devido ao pacote Adobe que utilizo, só o que me faltava, ta pagando premium pra nada, nem uma solução para um erro sem sentido

Hey @gabrigomez15 - glad to hear that updating your OS resolved the issue for you!

@callorda - thanks for reaching out to us about this. We'll do what we can to help you out.

First off, could you confirm whether you downloaded the app for desktop directly from the Spotify website or instead from the Windows Store?


If you've tried one of the above and it didn't work, do you mind trying the other and seeing if that works for you instead?


If neither of those work, could you try a clean reinstall of the app one more time, but this time making sure to clear all app data in the process (step 4 in this support article)?


Let us know how it goes! We'll be here in case you need further help with solving this.

I tried to reinstall as you said, it didn't work as well. In fact, Windows Store apparently says that the minimum requirement for Spotify is Windows 10, fact that makes no sense to me. I managed to make it work by installing the old version Possibly there are newer versions that may work, but the fact is that i won't be updating Spotify until this compatibility problem is solved. It is totally inadequate that Spotify is not working anymore on Windows 7, as there is a large number of users still using this platform.

I use Windows 7 and update my OS is NOT a option, this is not a solution

Baixa alguma das versões antigas, tipo de outubro ou novembro. A vem funcionando normalmente pra mim. Parece que na última atualização eles colocaram como requisito mínimo ter Windows 10 😕

Had to make Spotify stop the autoupdate so that it doesn't stop working anymore...

Hey folks,


Thanks for reaching out to us about this.


We've created a separate Ongoing Issue thread where we're gathering info from users regarding this issue.


If you're still experiencing this issue, make sure to head over there and leave the requested info.



E ai @callorda, a equipe do spotify ofereceu alguma solução para o problema?

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