
Help Wizard

Step 1


Spotify starts up with Windows even though I disabled this option???

Spotify starts up with Windows even though I disabled this option???



Operating System

Windows 10


My Question or Issue

 So from time to time Spotify starts up when I log into my computer, even though I disabled this option in the settings menu. And yes, I quadruple-checked if this option is indeed disabled. Still, from time to time it randomly decides to start up. And since Spotify is quite heavy to load, it slows down the start up time of my PC with minutes. Extremely annoying! 

Anybody knows what the cause of this problem might be?

1 Reply

Hey @ar1g3.


Thanks for reaching out on the Community! We'll be glad to help you out 🙂


I know this sounds obvious, but would you mind performing a clean reinstall by following the steps outlined here? This can solve many common problems that our users experience.


Could you also provide us with your Spotify app version? You can find this in the three-dots menu (top-left corner) > Help > About Spotify


Looking forward to hearing back from you!

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