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Variety of Daily Mixes

Variety of Daily Mixes

Hello, few days ago "Your Daily Mix" appeared on my Desktop Windows Spotify, I love it but I have few questions...

So there are 6 different Daily Mixes as I see, I can somewhat recognize them by genre - Rock/Decades, Pop/Rock, Hip-Hop, R&B/Pop, Lithuanian Songs and Country/Pop.

So for example - I am currently listening to Daily Mix 1 which is mostly Rock and some old school stuff like 80's or 70's, I use the "Heart" button on songs that I like and use the "Ban" button on the songs that doesn't interest me, my question is if I ban for example a song while on Daily Mix 1, will the song have any chance to appear in the other Daily Mix? Or if you ban it - you ban it for good and out of all of the possible daily mixes.

I know there a specific genres that each Mix has, but so far it's really not that specific for me - I can see 2-3 sometimes 4 different genres in one mix. Sometimes it's a crazy difference one minute I'm listening to Bob Dylan the other it switches Phil Collins. I'm really keen to know if I can really cut out the genres I don't want to hear in one or other Mix, for example is it even possible to make the mix so strict that I could hear Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and so instead of jumping from Bob Dylan to Toto to Hall and Oates and to Eric Clapton. Actually my Hip-Hop mix is pretty strict and 90% of songs I heare are Hip-Hop.

Also, if I have 6 Mixes with genres of it's own does that mean I will have to stay with those Genres? Let's say I stop listening to Keith Urban and I start to listen to something else, will the Country mix eventually disappear and going to be replaced with a new one based on that "something else"?


3 Replies

robocopas schrieb:

Also, if I have 6 Mixes with genres of it's own does that mean I will have to stay with those Genres? Let's say I stop listening to Keith Urban and I start to listen to something else, will the Country mix eventually disappear and going to be replaced with a new one based on that "something else"?

Yes, the Daily Mixes change over time, you can also lose one or more if you did not listen to that kind of music in the recent past. For example I had a soundtrack playlist when the feature was introduced on mobile which has disappeared now that I can finally see them in the desktop client. On the other hand I have six playlists now vs. less on mobile back then, so there are new ones as well like female rock vocalists or swing music from the '40s for me.


Peronally, I have a different view on Daily Mixes:


At first I was very pleased with my daily mixes! I listen to many genres so it was a fantastic way to discover more jazz, electro, electro swing, alternative, and spiritual music!


However, after I took a break from Spotify for a couple weeks (was traveling) I came back to discover all of my playlists were some form of electronic music! Not OK Spotify!


I don't know if you changed your algorithm to make more specific genres or something, but I must say I find little use for these new playlists. Though I listen to electronic music the most I mostly used Daily Mixes to explore the music genres I listened to slightly less.

I have an issue with my daily mix. I keep seeing foreign, Hispanic, music. I am not Hispanic, and do not even understand the music. How do I take that genre completely out of my profile?

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