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copying playlist text to a doc

copying playlist text to a doc

I am looking for a way to copy the text of my playlists -- artist name, song name, album -- to a Google or other doc. I'm in Windows. I've tried the usual control-A, control-C. All that gets highlighted and copied in the web version are the name of the playlist and the headings -- artist and tune, album, date added -- and not the entries under those headings. In the desktop app, control-A highlights the playlist, and control-C seems to copy it. But pasted into the doc, it's just a series of links -- one for each tune on the playlist. 

I just want to copy the words. Thanks.


3 Replies

Hi @Markzy! Welcome to the community, and thanks for your question. There isn't currently a way to do this directly from within Spotify. There may be some type of third party solution, but that would not be something officially supported by Spotify.


Please feel free to submit this as an idea here if this is something you'd like to see added in the future.

dinomightSpotify Star
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I'm relatively new to Spotify. How often do ideas submitted, as suggested, get explored? How often are ideas actually built out and put in place? (I'll submit the idea, but want to be realistic about expectations on something that would serve me best if it were available now.) Thanks.

No problem @Markzy. Honestly, the overall process from submission of an idea to actual implementation is generally something that takes quite a bit of time depending on the actual idea and how it may or may not fit into the Spotify team's overall strategy, so there are just a lot of factors that go into deciding whether or not to implement a new feature as well as how long it may take to do so.


The first major step is for the idea to reach 500 votes in the community, and once that's happened it will be brought up in a Spotify meeting for discussion, and it will receive a new status from the community team.


Please check out this page for a more in depth overview of the whole process.

dinomightSpotify Star
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