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Add support for Google ChromeCast

Will you be adding support to the ChromeCast that Google announced today? Would be great to be able to easily stream music from all my devices to my receiver and tv.


Please see the Api information here:


Update: implementing ChromeCast is superior to using the Chrome browser plugin to move a tab with the Spotify web interface to your TV for multiple reasons. Most importantly:

 - You can stream higher fidelity

 - You can stream from every device, not only from a computer/laptop

 - You can control from multiple devices (so if I leave the room my wife can control Spotify with her phone)


If implemented correctly this would match the functionality of Sonos for a much lower price.


Update February 4th 2014: Okay, so Google has released the SDK now. Please start working on the functionality or at the very minimum give an update to the status...


Update February 19th 2014: 2,000 kudos, hundreds of replies (with more than a handful of cancelations). Apparently Spotify Germany has confirmed Chromecast support is coming. An update would be nice


Update March 24th 2014: 2,500 kudos and still no update. Cancelled my subscription today. Sorry, but if you don't listen to your paying customers we will have to speak with our wallets.

Updated: 2015-10-22

In collaboration with Google, we’re thrilled to announce one of your most requested features here in The Spotify Idea Exchange is here. Spotify now works with your Chromecast.

With Chromecast, listening at home is easy. Simply plug in and cast music directly from your phone or tablet. Play, skip, browse and search using the Spotify app--all Spotify users will get the on demand experience on Chromecast. Oh, and feel free to make calls, watch a video or play games - the music will keep playing. Even if your battery runs out.


To learn more about how you can listen at home, head over to


Spotify on Chromecast from SpotifyCares on Vimeo.

What the hell are you doing Spotify? Until the Amazon dongle was released this wasn't a deal breaker for me. Now, I think you are just taking the piss. I have developed android apps for a living, and I know it doesn't take much time to integrate something from Google like the Chromecast. You have definitely decided not to bother for one reason or another

Well ball in your court, Spotify. Amazon Fire Stick will natively stream Spotify on launch. We have been asking for this for over a year. Mirroring is a sad work around. Please address.




I just cancelled my premium. Heading over to Google Music until you implement chromecast support.


Asked the Twitter SpotifyCares account about this, they answered me they were working on it with no ETA :


Better than nothing but will feel like they are really working on it when this will annouce it here...


I'd respond back and ask them if they have their regular programmers on it or a high school freshman who is teaching himself coding from a book in a language he doesn't know (maybe it's hard to tell the difference), since every competitor has already managed it. And, like everyone has said here, with the SDK out for nearly a year, many one-man shops have managed to already get it working. 


So if they've spent this long working on it and haven't implemented it, that's an indictment of their own abilities. But of course that's not the real reason, they just don't want to actually come out with what it is. 


I've taken to asking SpotifyCares each day if they're going to implement, updating with the new total of kudos and hashtagging spotifydoesntcare. I encourage everyone to do it. Pester them every day until they give us a real answer. Obviously the "support" team here isn't willing to.


It's been quite a few months. Any more updates on this?

This would totally transform my living room as no need to plug in phones or laptops for listening to spotify.


This would be a fantastic idea for Spotify!  with so millions of users this would reach out to many users who have the chromecast and love its capabilities and endless fun....having spotify with the chromecast would only make it 20x better!  Please do soon!



valued customer 🙂 


Every now and then I drop back in this thread looking if anything has changed, apparently not... what a surprise.

And looking at that 'spotifycares' (lol, really?!) twitter account kinda says it all:


"Just not possible right now"

"We're looking into it but not our main focus"

"Won't be here in the near future"


In other words, "screw you all... we have our own agenda and don't really care what the customers want and can't be bothered bother to explain why"


If only they would say WHY they can't work on it. Probably bound by agreements or contracts or something. But they prefer to keep the customers in the dark and on a string...


Is Spotify helping Amazon to fight Google?


I just recently cancelled my Spotify subscription and switched to Deezer who do currently support Chromecast.........however I do prefer Spotify's interface and browsing experience and now have both subscriptions running 'side by side'! This will can only last for a limited period... and if Spotify address the Chromecast support I will 'definately' remain with Spotify...but if not, then Chromecast support is a 'clincher' for me and I will have to revert back to Deezer who will no doubt have also improved in other ways by then. You can do it Spotify! 🙂

@Arjen82 wrote:

Will you be adding support to the ChromeCast that Google announced today? Would be great to be able to easily stream music from all my devices to my receiver and tv.


Please see the Api information here:


Update: implementing ChromeCast is superior to using the Chrome browser plugin to move a tab with the Spotify web interface to your TV for multiple reasons. Most importantly:

 - You can stream higher fidelity

 - You can stream from every device, not only from a computer/laptop

 - You can control from multiple devices (so if I leave the room my wife can control Spotify with her phone)


If implemented correctly this would match the functionality of Sonos for a much lower price.


Update February 4th 2014: Okay, so Google has released the SDK now. Please start working on the functionality or at the very minimum give an update to the status...


Update February 19th 2014: 2,000 kudos, hundreds of replies (with more than a handful of cancelations). Apparently Spotify Germany has confirmed Chromecast support is coming. An update would be nice


Update March 24th 2014: 2,500 kudos and still no update. Cancelled my subscription today. Sorry, but if you don't listen to your paying customers we will have to speak with our wallets.