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[All Platforms][Your Library] Increase maximum Songs allowed in Your Music

I feel like the maximum amount of songs allowed in one playlist, and subsequently in "Songs" playlist under the new "Collections" feature, should be more than 10,000.


Quite frankly it should be unlimited. 


We are paying for a service but limited on how many songs we are able to save? That is absurd to me.


I recently started saving all of my albums into "Collections" and got stuck at about 1/4 of the way through - 10,000 songs has been reached and I am no longer able to save any more albums.




Updated on 2020-05-26


Thanks for coming to the Idea Exchange.

We're excited to be marking this idea as implemented!
We've now removed the limit on saved items in Your Library, making it possible to save songs, and albums on Spotify to your heart's content.

As the app has changed quite a bit since this idea was submitted, please be aware that some functionality is now different. This change does not impact the limit on the number of songs in a playlist other than your Liked Songs.

For more info, check out this blog post.


Everything you just said -- spot on. Kudos given. Please listen, Spotify.

Excellent comment Amus-i-c.

I would also recommend being vocal about this on Twitter and Facebook. There is a Facebook group about this as well. 

Let's all hope pandora's new service that debuts this quarter with the help of RIP Rdio is full featured with an unlimited music collection feature,



Isn't that funny... My Comment seemed to be deleted... Well... let's post it again....


Guys... (and girls...) Does ANY of you think this whole thread makes any sense and Spotify will read, let alone - they will change this?!? 


It is absolutely more than ridiculous that we - as fare-paying-PREMIUM-users - are being limited in using this product on a fare base. Yes, we are limited in our choices! Why do we pay to be limited?  And what is so PREMIUM to this paid service except leaving out the commercials?


There is only a minority who report this 10.000 limit issue to be unsatisfying, annoying and to be indignant with. When Spotify looks at the percentage of how many people actually has reached 10.000 songs in their personal library, of course there is less than 1% who reaches the 10.000 limit! Because YOU CAN'T reach it! I got 9855 songs and this is called to be my max of 10.000 songs!

Please tell me lads & gents, how many of you are UNDER this limit and is told that they've reached the max of 10.000: I dare you to check your exact number of songs by going to your song list (songs in your music), then select them all (win: ctrl+a / mac: cmd+a) and drag to see the exact number of songs. 9 out of 10 it's LESS than this 10.000 while you've been said that you have reached your 10.000 limit! 

Therefore: Dear Spotify:  You are fooling yourself with this explanation! I bet there are way more users who experience this problem; at least 222 pages of negative comments on this topic only on THIS site!!! And that's only those users who take the effort to report it! Did you already hear about the fact that only less than 40 percent of ALL unsatisfied people report their complaint at the responsible organization and besides that all the others (that's more than 60 percent of all unsatisfied people) tell their negative experience to a minimum of 15 other people instead of reporting it to you, Spotify? (If this <40% is already able to know WHERE they can report it!) Above that: and this is just a free tip: Of the non-complainants, 80% leaves to another provider/supplier without telling you at all!


So please don't come with arguments that only 1 % of the users reaches the 10.000 limit. You should take these comments more serious. You make a monkey out of yourself if you really think and take this measurement as an indicator of all the serious complaints and users that are annoyed about this limitation. If music should free your soul, you keep your customers detained by setting a limit on their choices!


So for all of you who want to get rid of this 10.000 limitation: First of all: make sure you've logged in on this Community and vote for this “Live Idea”. Make sure that we bundle all similar – liked threads: So click on the following link to bundle all votes in one and the same thread: (scroll to the top to see the vote button). Be aware that IF you already voted in the “increase-maximum-songs-allowed-in-Your-Music-thread” in the past, that you don’t push the button again, otherwise your vote will be withdrawn and it will bring back the number of votes! So only press Vote if the button shows “+ Vote”. 


It is actually absurd that we have to vote to make Spotify change this! :@)


Second: Share this message as wide as you can or IF you can find shorter lines to the Spotify Management People let them read this post to wake them up.


Third: Ok, let me say that it’s not all bad there is at Spotify (they could have a better accessible and more direct support opportunities though) there are also a lot of good features. But these can also be found at other providers: Apple Music / Google Play Music for example, with much wider or no limitations. If you (users) really want to change this: LETS SET AN ULTIMATUM DATE TO abandon this limitation before we move and migrate to another music streaming service. This Issue has been reported by users since April 2014. Now we’re almost three years further on, no changes are been made since. It’s time to make this chance Spotify… Please provide us with an unlimited personal library. Let's say... before the end of April 2017? You’ve got enough time to do this, didn’t you? Three years… That should be a real and reasonable timeframe… isn’t it? In these three years, you could make a real (and proper) inventory of what the need of enlargement of this song limit really is instead of giving yourself just a false quote on how custom behavior works in relation to complaints handling. And if you are still blind to see and stick to your position that it’s only less than 1 % of your users that reaches the limit… what in god sake is the problem to increase this limit for “those few” people…?


Spotify: Don’t give us stupid arguments… What you tell us is “We don’t care about customer satisfaction at all”, “We don’t take our customers seriously”, “We don’t listen to the needs of our customers”. That are three ways you did NOT learn on your marketing-based-education to get and KEEP customers. When you want to keep us, take some action now! We’re still asking you friendly to disable this limit real soon before a lot of unsatisfied users will get their needs for music elsewhere.

Maybe you should post it here...

Cant believe their 'Be Premium. Be Happy' 'Music Without Limits' obnoxiousness has not yet been taken down

We all need to tweet away and also tweet @BBCWatchdog and similar media consumer rights folk. It's not on so let's bombard them. Let's do this!!!  They can't legally say PremI'm is music with no limits when there is a limit that we have all reached. Many others will be just below so they can save that one album. Like me I went through and reluctantly deleted about 10 albums so I have space for more so I won't show as one of the 1% so it's not a valid argument they make. 


@Amus-i-c I would assume that Spotify's statistics is based either on how many users the Epic Collection message was shown to when they were trying to go over the limit, or that they have some other margin. As you point out, it's impossible to reach 10,000 tracks, so the ratio would be 0%. I'm sure that they're aware of the issue and how to estimate the number of users reaching the limit.


The real problem, in my view, is that they're using the 1% as a justification, because by their own numbers, that translates to a million users. That's a massive number. And frankly, from a UX perspective, seeing as this is a hard limit of a core functionality of the client, it would even be too much if it only affecteed 0.1% or 0.01% of users. It's poor design. Someone messed up when drawing up the requirements, and they're having a hard time adapting now that it became obvious that the system does not meet customer expectations.


I fully agree though that probably only comparatively few people complain in these forums. The majority will get annoyed in silence, and either don't know where to go to complain or can't be bothered to look it up. And yet, we've made it to well over 2,000 posts…


Thank you to @mat101, @drteeth123, and @Rfinestone for marking-- as I did-- with "Likes" @Anamon's post just above what I say here.

And thanks to @gchupin and @hendersj for also-- besides me-- giving "Likes" to @Amus-i-c, above, the day before.

All of your comments and suggestions are very helpful to me, so thank you again.


                    I also thank Spotify

for not blocking me and my friends from running our "programming fixes" that give me my "Your Music" of currently 81,044 tracks from which my friends run our NeverAnUnintendedRepeat 24 X 7 X 365 radio stations.

I am bringing in my family also to my Premium Account so that they can run their own versions of up to 90K track NeverUnintendedRepeat "Your Music" players.

And I keep checking this thread to read everyone's comments and suggestions here-- because this Up to 90K track "Your Music" is mandatory for civilized and NonFrustrating music listening.



I have reached my limit of 10,000 songs in "Your Music", this is very unfortunate and it going to change how I use Spotify.   I have been reading Spotifys view on this and while, its logical, I think they are missing a very usefull point. 


When I listen to an album I mark my favorite songs, sometimes its only 1, sometimes 5 or more. I use this when i go back to the album to listen to my favorite tracks. I never go to "songs" or "my music" to listen to them, because as Spotify has stated that can be a huge list and not very usefull. But when you are in an album its a great way to see what you like.


I cant do this anymore because I have reached the limit of my "checks"


Spotify can you please increase this limit???


I don't think there should be a higher premium tier for 10k+ songs.


But, really? You're just going to punish your MOST LOYAL and top 1% of customers and music fans this way?


I probably reached 10k songs in my music library when I was 12 years old, one year after I started collecting mp3s. It's extremely disturbing to me that a music service would cap capacity this way.


Seriously, Spotify??!? This is a joke. 10k isn't sh!t for an avid music lover. You cannot seriously believe this is acceptable threshold for "saved songs" (ie "songs I like and would like to hear again").


Why would you not specify this to customers anywhere? You (& consequently others) are continuously saying "unlimited." 10k is not nearly unlimited. I just wasted an entire day getting stoked to have a music collection again, chasing songs, & buying an SD card...just to hit a solid brick wall on the first day with your service.


Spotify is an overrated joke. And I'll be sure to tell everyone exactly that.