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Clear play queue

I have to restart my spotify when I accendently start a song from a search instead of adding it to the queue (happens often to me), would be lovely if there would be a clear button for all the songs added to the queue by spotify it self.

Updated: 2020-12-17


We're happy to announce that we have implemented the Clear queue feature on our mobile app as well.


Just open the queue and you should see the Clear all button at the top




Updated: 2017-01-16

Hey folks, you can now find a 'CLEAR' button on the Play Queue in your Spotify Desktop app. 

If using Spotify on your mobile device you can check the songs in 'Up Next' and then select 'REMOVE'.  

Thanks for your feedback everyone!


Screen Shot 2017-01-16 at 10.47.58 AM.png


Hey TomR, the songs that Spotify puts in automatically will be cleared if you start playing something else.


For instance, listening to a song in the search results will make the other results play next in the queue. But if you then switched to an album, that would make up the queue instead. So likewise, switching to a blank playlist would clear the queue entirely.


The same doesn't go for songs you've added to the queue yourself, but you can just remove these by deleting them manually.


Does this help at all?


yeah, but if you add something new to the queue the grey ones don't go away... the only way to let that happen (as far as I know) is by restarting the app.


I just gave this a go as follows:


1. Played some songs from a random playlist

2. Added a new song to the Queue

3. Played an empty playlist (by right-click > choose as current playlist)

4. The Play Queue was clear except for the song I added in step 2.


Give it a try yourself and see if it works the same way. It's not the simplest way around it though, I agree.


thats an idea yes, thanks! saves a few steps already. Button would be a nice new feature 🙂


that's a bit of a roundabout way to clear the queue -- seems like there should just be a "clear queue" feature. I've noticed with the latest version just released that the queue even stay populated even after restarting the application! Please fix! thanks



I used to restart the app but they just updated the app so even after a restart the queue won't go away. This is really annoying, and it's been an issue for years, so I'm guessing they have no intention of fixing it.


But hopefully they'll be other options out there soon that will address these things.


It amazes me that this basic playlist function is missing.


It sounds like someone tried to reinvent the wheel and came up with a square, and somehow believes that it possibly could be better.  I've heard crazier stuff happen in software development, though...


I tried the procedure Richard posted and it doesn't work for me.  Also, the newest versions of Spotify no longer clear the play queue... so it keeps getting bigger and bigger with stuff I don't want.  I agree with earlier posters, this behavior is quite strange and it seems like they had to go out of their way to break it like this.  Please fix, thanks!


Absolutely right. This has always been the one element of Spotify's usability that I've always loathed. It's surely an essential function? 


Anyhow, Richard's method did work for me and will do as a stop-gap for now. Cheers mate, thanks for posting that. 


This is crazy. I should be able to clear the Play Queue. I really enjoy Spotify but I absolutely can not stand this "feature". This is very annyoing and ruins an otherwise enjoyable experience. I hope this isn't becoming like Facebook where you push your bad ideas on everyone and hope they just shut up about it.


Please allow us to clear the queue. It used to work for me until the "upgrade".

Is there any change of going back to the previous version?