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[Desktop] Bring back search inside Playlists & Songs tab

Status: Implemented

Before last update it was possible to hit CTRL / CMD +F and search for single song in playlists (folders) and the songs tab.
It is quite annoying to searching for one song among all playlist. Please bring it back.

Updated: 2015-08-05


Hey folks, you can now use the filter function in the Songs and Playlists tabs of Your Music. 


It's really a shame, we're paying for this service? The desktop version it's useless. Seriously, if this isn't solved next week I garantee you that I'll unsubscribe of the premium service. Paying for what?, for and application that I can't use comfortably? 


I think the person who decided to upload this versions that doesn't allow many features might be fired, it's a shame giving such service to the users!, at least you should restore automatically the previous version.



Whoever decided it was a good idea to remove this should be fired, or at least flogged.


When will this option be back?


This, in addition to the inability to minimize to tray makes me want to consider other music software after quite some time as a premium user.


Did you hire some new people this latest year, spotify? Someone clearly cares more about having a nice UI than a functional UI.

The CTRL+F features have been disappearing slowly over the last 6 months or so, only to be completely removed with one of the latest updates.

Your updates have become something I want to avoid now, because I fear spotify will be slightly worse with each update.

Bring back the glory days where we could minimize to tray, and actually CTRL+F mostly everywhere!


I´m with all of you reacting strongly on what seems to be obvius features that has been removed int the latest version.


What amazes me is that no one from the Spotify staff bothers to respond to this and actuallly explain what´s going on and why (It´s not enough with "we will implement it later", since it´s a major feature in the client software that has been removed).


And since Spotify obviously have the policy of making changes like this in their "upgrades", I think the least they could offer would be to have their users have an easy way of downgrading, in case they would not be content with whatever later version of the client.



I noticed this feature was missing in the beta. Never knew you had plans to release it. The old app just had more feature. Only is plus is that Spotify Connect is supported now 🙂


How long does it take to put back a removed feature?


I keep scrolling through my playlist looking for a song not being able to find it.

Guess i'll be using youtube and find the song i'm looking for in 2 seconds untill this is fixed.


Unsatisfied premium user....


(this is obviously not my main account)


I really can't believe this still goes on without solution. Playlist filter is a BASIC feature for Spotify users. Why don't you just bring it back to us? I went back to premium account because I thought it was now just for premium users and it's not available even for premium accounts. Next month don't count on me to keep as premium user.


It's been now like 3 updates without bringing back this feature. How long do you expect us to wait? It's a darn tiny little feature, how can it be that it takes more than 4 weeks??? I cannot use spotify anymore like I could before. This feature is a key feature for me, and when you don't bring it back in short time I will leave. I will not pay premium to not be able to use premium. I'm already switching over to soundclound and youtube more and more.


Please update asap


Kind Regards, Manuel


Sorry, but i cannot understand how this feature could get removed. I´m pretty upset right now. This feature is also a key feature for me!

I dont´t want to pay for a software which worsens after every update! Please fix this asap!