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Possibility to add friends without Facebook Accounts (Spotify ID)

Hi! I just stumbled across a problem; I have friends who don't have facebook / don't use facebook / who hate facebook.

I tried searching a way to add them as friends so I could send them songs and see their playlists etc, but I was unable to find a solution... 




- To be able to add friends using their Spotify login ID

- To be able to see their actions in Spotify Social (what they are listening to)


Hey everyone! You can now find your friends by searching for either their Spotify username or their full name (if their Spotify account is linked to their Facebook).

Thanks for kudos and comments on this idea. We'd love to keep getting your feedback around this feature! 


You're right, I just refer to the Android app. I use the desktop application only about twice a year. And only if it absolutely cannot be done in the mobile app, rearranging/reordering a playlist for instance.


I would never switch to my pc just for sharing music. In the end it all comes down to ease of use. I'd rather send an E-Mail via mobile or just share via whatsapp than walk over to my desktop pc.


And I think in 2016 a service like Spotify should offer the best possible user experience. Otherwise they will vanish from the market of services.


This doesn't work with the new UI.

I even manually found my friend, by directly typing their username into the URI (<friend_username>)

It shows their account, and they public playlists, but I cant follow them as a friend.




Can't follow my teenage son... he has no facebook account. Totally inept feature.


Doesn't work on my Windows 10 app


Now is impossible... Why?



Type that into search box with your teenage son's username jbcpep


Remember to put the user name after the colon after 'user'


That should work


Try that too maggio72


Am trying now to find a friend using their spotify ID (and it's even a user that's part of my premium family) but impossible to find.. even using the spotify:user: tag in search, nothing comes up..



spotify:user: username

The last one has to be username.

Try that in search bar



We're 08/2017 and this method still doesn't work ! 😞 Still any functionality in menu, nor by using the search field.  How stupid can this be ??? Such an obvious functionality ?!!!!  Always that stupid facebook !!! Spotify wake up !!!! More and more people want to get rid of facebook.  Why force people to use facebook ??? 😞  The spotify:user:<profilename> just doesn't work at all !!! I can't even add the contacts of my own family account ? 


I agree with @deefaa:  

Good to see there is a workaround but a complete UI fail. 

Please include spotify usernames to the standard search results.