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[Search] Bring back Advanced Search

Up until recently, users were able to refine their search by using advanced options which are, sadly, no longer available.

I'm a musicologist, and small features such as being able to search by record label are quite important for me, as it should be for anyone who is not just a passive consumer of music! If you also believe that we need this feature back, support this thread.

Updated on 2018-09-24

Hey folks,


Thanks for coming to the Spotify Community.


We're happy to confirm that Advanced Search is now available on Mobile and Desktop. 

For example, searching by 'year:', or 'label:'.


All the best,



@mantovanello wrote:....but we all hope they can bring it back or create a similar tool - I expect I better one - for those that really enjoy exploring the vast Spotify music library!
Exactly! There must be a better advanced search tool on Spotify. Not having to write "code" like lines in order to find what you are looking for..... Instead of making something like this they removed the option completely! This is unacceptable...!!!!


Come on Spotify. It's not a new feature. The code is there. Just copy and paste it!


For me as a DJ the label search is a perfect tool. Having the whole catalogue of a label in one list, ordered in albums, tracks and arists was like heaven! Many of my DJ-friends are/were using it too.


Yeah, this was one of the best ways to discover music. I especially miss the ability to search by record label.


To not have advanced search options when you have a library of millions of tracks and albums is crazy. Please bring it back or at least give us a reason why you removed it. It's such a small feature that, at least for me, made spotify stand out as a streaming service. I often used the label search and I sorely miss it!


Such a shame this was removed and we have to fight for it to be implemented as a new idea.


excellent idea, would be great to include play count also


Please hurry up and bring the advanced search function back again!!


Really @__spo__..

Please provide some information at least..there is not just a few of us that relied heavily on this feature. Now, we just tap in the dark while you are receicing our monthly fees on point.



For the Spotify devs:

Why you see this function as a new idea? Why have Spotify removed this very useful function in first place??

Instead of remove it, you should increase this functionallity. Pleeeese, implement it back!

