
Help Wizard

Step 1


Starting a radio plays song you choose as base

It's annoying that when i get to a song i'm feeling, and i right click and go to "start radio" the radio plays a different song then the one i choose. It would be great if spotify just went right into the radio without skipping or even pausing the current song. Then after that played a new song that sounds similar.

Updated: 2015-04-13

Hey guys, we're happy to say this is implemented for Premium users on any device, and Free users using a desktop or tablet. 

Free users on mobile devices can shuffle songs and start radio stations, streaming on demand is still a Premium-only feature

Thanks for all your feedback!



It's definitely annoying me that when I choose a song I like I can't listen to it if I want to subscribe to its radio ...


This is far and away the most annoying thing about spotify. it alone is making me consider moving back to Google play.

Wow, 2½ years and they're still sitting on this request. I raised a duplicate request by mistake and just got alerted to the fact.

Massive +1 for this request!!


It shouldn't have taken this long to still not be actioned.


Get your house in order Spotify..... Google Play Music does it.


+1 really looking forward to this feature


How can this be not right now?


This is a Major ERROR in the radio function.


The song that defines the channel is the heart of the channel. It is the track you love and the one everything else is based on. You cannot skip that.



Ok, that's it. My subscription is gone ...

This is a pet peeve for me too. I end up playing the song I want to hear then going to spotify radio for the whole playlist. Would be nice to have a "Start Radio with this song".


I also looking forward to have an option to start radio from selected song. When I want to listen the radio based on the song I'm thinking about that song so I want to listen it as a first one.


This seems to have changed for me in the last week or so. I just checked back here to see if the issue had been closed, but it's still open.. weird. Anyone found that it's working now?