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[Web Player] Bring back the old Web Player

The minimalism of the web player makes it near unusable (self.spotify)

submitted 2 minutes ago by MovkeyB

Here is a list of basic stuff that got removed:

  • See the radio
  • See the queue
  • See the song length
  • see how far in the song you are

Here is stuff that got destroyed in terms of functionality.

  • adding a song to a playlist is now a lot more difficult and requires moving a lot more bc it opens up a HUGE window instead of the little menu

  • The volume slider is not live, its drag and drop so you can't hear the effect of the volume change in real time

Everything is HUGE and they just seem to love all the dead space and tell me pretty much nothing about whats going on.

It's atrocious. I've used it for about 10 minutes and I already despise it with a burning passion. These things I mentioned are just the ones that are just immediately obvious because I USE THEM FREQUENTLY

Updated on 2019-06-25

Hey folks, 


We're just going through a few older ideas that we haven't updated. 


Most of the functionality listed in the original post exists on the Web Player. The queue can be found in the bottom right corner near the Volume bar and you can find Radio by clicking the three dots next to any song, album or playlist. 


If you have any new ideas you'd like to see on the webplayer, feel to submit them here.



They do not care because the complaints do not reach enough numbers and stubbornly argue that the new version is better. I am not satisfied with this situation very long

They do not care because the complaints do not reach enough numbers and stubbornly argue that the new version is better. I am not satisfied with this situation very long!


My suggestion: I left Spotify a few months back because of changes they made over the last year or so that were deal breakers for me. I jumped to Google Play Music and I'm very happy with their service. If you've never tried it before, here's a link for 4 FREE MONTHS of Google Play Music (which includes YouTube Red): Google Play Music - 4 Month Trial

Just thought I'd try to help - feel free to completely ignore me also lol


Please implement a feature to bring back the old Spotify Web Player, even if it's simply to switch between the two. There are multiple quality of life features removed from the current open.spotify player. I use the web player at work all day, and am unable to download the spotify app to my computer. 


- Inability to quickly switch between albums or songs between albums, forced to back up to the main artist page to select a new album and select the new song individually. There is no inherent back button, so user is forced to re-search the artist to get back to the artist's page. 


- Unable to see which songs have been saved at a glance. 


- There is no sort function


- A lot of right-click functionality was removed


- Inability to have a few different playlists/artists open and switch between the windows. Old system would allow one playlist/artist open, then if another was clicked on it would open another primary window for it in the app. If you wanted to go back to the first artist, it was right there instead of needing to re-search. 


- Searching of artists/playing of songs takes significantly longer than old player (takes about 5 seconds to start playing each song or come up with the searched items).


- Open.spotify automatically syncs to my phone. This has been an issue for a while. I have certain playlists I would like to listen to when driving, that I am in the middle of on my phone. When listening on a computer automatically syncs to my phone, it rips me out of that playlist on my phone to sync to what I'm listening to on the computer, even though I will never listen to spotify on my phone when listening on my computer, because why would I? 


I'm not suggesting that the new player goes away, however, I am suggesting that either these issues get fixed with both a UI update and more customizable features or an option to toggle the old web player is created. Using this new web player is causing me to heavily consider cancelling my subscription. 


@nsalata82 How would you compare Google Play Music with Spotify in terms of music availability, premade playlists, etc.? The web player thing really sucks but I still love the app on my phone.


Spotify has been upgrading removing features since 0.8.5... It's unlikely they will ever learn their lesson.


So I use the web player at work all day, and am unable to download the spotify app to my computer, so I'm stuck with it.


- Inability to quickly switch between albums or songs between albums, forced to back up to the main artist page to select a new album and select the new song individually. There is no inherent back button, so user is forced to re-search the artist to get back to the artist's page.


- Unable to see which songs have been saved at a glance.


- There is no sort function - A lot of right-click functionality was removed


- Inability to have a few different playlists/artists open and switch between the windows. Old system would allow one playlist/artist open, then if another was clicked on it would open another primary window for it in the app. If you wanted to go back to the first artist, it was right there instead of needing to re-search.


- Searching of artists/playing of songs takes significantly longer than old player (takes about 5 seconds to start playing each song or come up with the searched items).


- Open.spotify automatically syncs to my phone. This has been an issue for a while. I have certain playlists I would like to listen to when driving, that I am in the middle of on my phone. When listening on a computer automatically syncs to my phone, it rips me out of that playlist on my phone to sync to what I'm listening to on the computer, even though I will never listen to spotify on my phone when listening on my computer, because why would I?


I'm not suggesting that the new player goes away, however, I am suggesting that either these issues get fixed with both a UI update and more customizable features or an option to toggle the old web player is created.


2 votes WAY [UP] for the "ORIGINAL" #spotify player in all it's AMAZING glory 2 make a FULL COMEBACK and bring back THE KING with it's "user-friendly" functionality and brilliance!! #UP


 @nsalata82 thanks for making that recommendation. Google play has the same sound quality available as Spotify and Google play come with YouTube Red for the same price as premium spotify. I'm gonna give it a try.

I was under the impression that the new version had somehow only been rolled out to chrome, firefox, edge, etc. as my work PC (we are forced to use IE 11) still had the old web player for several months, until today. If this is somehow only possible by some kind of local caching, would it be fair to say that a opt-in rollback could be put in place for users who prefer the native web client?