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[Web Player] Playlist Folders

Hello guys,


I see that the folders I create in the desktop app do not show up on the web browser version. 


Please add the folder for playlists functionality on the web version, and please also enable mobile/tablet users to create these folders too.




Updated on 2019-09-12

Hey folks, 


We just wanted to give you a heads up that Playlist folders are now available on the Webplayer. 


Thanks for adding your vote to this idea!


The other thing... 




Sheesh guys, WHO builds a BRAND NEW PLATFORM on




in 2013 ???????


@fredphoesh not all of it is flash based.

Status changed to: Up for Votes

This idea will focus on having/creating playlist folders in the Web Player.

If you want to be able to create playlist folders on the mobile versions, check out this idea:


ANY flash is too much flash... it prevents mobile/tablet/AndroidTV users from using that interface.



Yes, I was talking about the Web Player primarily, so I've edited my post a bit.





A folder structure on would be a great improvement! I have over 600 playlists, neatly ordered in a folder structure which I made in the destkop app. I can't use the web player because adding music to playlists (in (sub)folders), which I do daily, is a hell of a job. I think this idea is a very good one and I can't really understand why it isn't already included in the web player.


Let's think of the future here. Someday we won't need (or want) a native application, but all the content and richness of a destkop application in an app or web browser. For example the people using a Chromebook can have their entire music collection in the cloud, but can't access it in the way they used to when using the windows application. 


So not only a good idea in itself, but also a step forward to a future in the cloud. 


I want to have my favorite albums as a separate playlists, but webplayer is what i use on daily basis. I don't want to go to desktop app only to organize my playlists.


I was surprised and bummed that I can't use Spotify group playlist folders in the web verison of Spotify.


I'm on a Chromebook, and this makes searching for playlists unwieldly and boring. 


C'mon Spotify gods, please climb out of your hot tubs and start coding 🙂

Is there any progress on this topic as its been almost a year and status is still " New idea" 

I'm also on a chromebook and my playlists is becoming  a mess


Not having folder structure on the web player is my only spotify headache. I like to use the desktop app when I can but am often on computers where installing it is not an option, please add this desktop feature to the web player! IT WOULD CHANGE MY LIFE!


Seeing this has put a stop to my plans to use a Chromebox as a streaming machine.


Having jumped from using Spotify on a PC, iPhone, iPad and now the web player, I'm confused why each platform differs so much in functionality. More consistency please.