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armhf Spotify library for DIY projects

Me and many others have bought inexpensive ARM based hardware for media center use. Sadly most Linux distributions for these platforms are built with hardware floating point calculation only, and the Spotify library for ARM is software only.


Would you be kind enough to compile an armhf version of libspotify for us? Based on the number of orders on the Raspberry Pi platform alone I would expect the potential number of Premium service users of this library to be 100.000+.

Hello! Sorry for the delay on updating this but we’re pleased to announce the beta release of libspotify 12.1.103 for hardfloat armv6, allowing native support for platforms like the Raspberry Pi. You can find more info here: Thanks!

+1 for this 😉 Using raspbmc on raspberrypi!


Would love to start using libspotify on the Pi. Another kudos here, looking forward to any further news!


I like using spotify but it's hardly cheap and without this support it's essentially broken. Please fix this


Come on spotify devs you're more awesome than this...


Thank you for an amaising service, Adding this build will alow us to create a great client for your service for  low cost MC, and therby promoting new customers for Spotify. This is a no-brainer lets get this gooing..


Using Spotify on Raspbmc / Pi seems a quite common conern, so gogo!!!


+1 on this.  I would love to use spotify inside my raspbmc box.   for a recompile is the only thing left in my transitioning from a laptop to a low power raspberrypi.  Good for the environment, good for spotify, good for pi owners, and good for my electricity bill.  Everyone wins.






Waiting for this to happen, so that the X-mas gift I'm planning will be able to include Spotify soon...



I would be extremely happy to use Spotify on the Pi.