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Ability to select and copy artist, album and song title as text

Especially useful for non-English titles, but give the option to select and copy the artist, album or title of a song as text. 

Updated on 2023-05-01

Hey! It looks like your suggestion is growing up fast and it's amazing! We are going to change its status to 'Good Suggestion' now and we hope it continues being supported by more and more users.
Thanks again for your suggestion. We really appreciate it 🙂

More information about how the Spotify Idea Exchange works can be found here.


Amazing something this basic is still not implemented in the desktop client.


At least you can do it in the web browser when you hit "show credits" now.


before that, I had to pull it up in the browser, show credits, pull up the built in debugger, then select the div to FINALLY select the song title.


All so i could through the song title in to google search to pull up english lyrics.


Of course, this requested functionality (and more) was available in previous versions of Spotify. They spitefully decided to remove access to them.


I am suprised my self this is still not a thing and its gaining a lot of Kudos Fast Now. I would just like the abillty to click copy title on the embeds and copy it. This is coming from someone who listens to a lot of Non-English Music. Like Ukrainian, Russian, Japanese, Indonesian and Thai Music.


Would love to have this for lyrics as well


On web you can copy song names by going to credits: 

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 3.30.48 PM.png

Artist names are copyable by clicking on one of their top songs from the artist profile on web, which brings you to a page with "Popular tracks by":

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 3.37.44 PM.png

But for album names, I just open devtools on web to copy them:

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 3.33.37 PM.png


I don't understand why spotify doesn't just add an option to the share dropdown to "Copy {song/album/artist} name":

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 3.55.28 PM.png


It seems so painfully simple and useful, especially compared to how burdensome current workarounds are ☹️


I have this freaking Korean(?) artist I would love to check up on Google, but how am I suppose to type it with them funny Korean alphabet since I can't copy and paste the name?!


Plan Premium

Country France

Operating System Android, Windows 10

My Question or Issue

It's horrible, when you want additional information on a title, you have to copy everything by hand: the title, the author etc. In 2023 it's prehistory, right?
How to recover the song data without copying everything?


Yes, I would love to be able to look up the lyrics to songs with titles in Japanese or Chinese.


Yes i confirm ..........

in the PC or Android Spotify applications it would be VERY INTERESTING to be able to copy the text of a link (artist or title)!!!

This would make it easier to do searches or translations on the internet (artist biography, song titles, etc.).

When clicking on the link, it would be interesting to have, in the drop-down menu, an option "COPY LINK TEXT"...


lol classic spotify doesnt care bs. this used to be a feature just as gareth8 points out. I used to copy and paste playlists into text programs in seconds. now all I get is a spotify link back to spotify. designed to keep you stuck on their platform.