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Bring back Playlist radio

Radio is only available for artists and albums but not for playlists.

Updated on 2023-07-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


Because spotify is a sinking ship whose priority is to keep their head above water. What I've heard they're laying off people and closing offices. As I'm spreading these news here I hope it'll bring their focus over to this issue, at least to dismiss these rumors if nothing else. Or it'll start to spread, and rumors are never good. I've heard this from a guy who applied for an internship at spotify and got laid off together with a bunch of other people due to financial circumstances according to them.


So, spotify, please go ahead and dismiss this or your silence will speak louder than words.


For me, theres isnt really other ways to find music that I like other than by having the go to radio option. My discover weekly is all jumbled up with multiple different genres of music and so is my release radar. Having the abilitly to create new playlist based on a song or playlist is how I discovered most of the music i’ve liked in the past year. My only other alternative was the enhance feature, but this isnt the thread to discuss that.


I really wish this feature would be brought back, all my playlists are drying up and I cant fine new stuff anymore.


Just talked to support. First, they tried to convince me it would show up if I logged out and back in, but it didn't. Then the rep left and someone else came in, they tried to convince me that Artist/Album Radio would do the same, which it doesn't. Beat them to the punch of Enhance. Then they tried to have me use the Desktop app to control Playlist Radio on my phone, which isn't helpful. 

When it finally came down to it I was able to get the straight answer "This feature is only made available to the Desktop app."

So they have no plan to make any change. Spotify doesn't care about your feedback regarding this feature unless a crazy number of people vote, or they take a financial hit. Sucks, but I guess I'll go back to Pandora


Does anyone know the logic behind their decision to remove it? 


The only thing I can think of is that they somehow get more revenue from people using the desktop version. By putting playlist radio exclusively on desktop they are making people use it more instead of mobile. Screw that- make a scene, spread the word, increase the votes, call customer service, cancel subscriptions. They need to feel as though it is in their best interest to bring it back.


This was the only feature I was using, can’t understand why you removed it, please bring it back! 


Why has this not been moved to a "Live Idea" yet? This suggestion is nearly at 4x the threshold for being upgraded in only 2 months but currently is still sitting at Good Idea. I take it Spotify are now just ignoring their own guidelines now? 


This was one of the best features on the app for finding new music and nothing else comes close. Enhance in my opinion is just terrible as I don't want to add 100 songs to a playlist and then scroll to find them to see if they are any good or not. With playlist radio I could just leave it on and if I liked the song that was playing I could add it. If this isn't going to be added again then some communication should be the least we get.


Seriously, this was the main reason why I was sticking around on Spotify. Playlist radios helped me to find dozens of new artists and widen my musical taste. This made Spotify superior to Apple Music for me, but without this feature Spotify is just one of the dozen similar services, very sad development...


Edit: Cancelled my Spotify subscription, switched to Deezer it is even cheaper in my region. Without playlist radios, Spotify is not worth to me...


What the actual **bleep**?? This is half the app for me. I don’t even get it. No offense to your little premade playlists but we need this feature back.


I find it an absurd idea that somone at spotify thought it was a good idea to remove this option, it detracts nothing from the experience of using spotify and if anything makes the application more pleasurable and easy to use in regards to finding new music that relates to the overall genre of your current playlist.


I use this feature a lot on both the mobile and desktop applications. Sure I can still start radio from a song in the playlist, but why not let people continue to aggrgate the entire playlist and find new music based on that? Maybe I dont want to "Enhance" my playlist and add songs that I maybe dont want. 


Ridiculous. please bring it back.