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Bring back Playlist radio

Radio is only available for artists and albums but not for playlists.

Updated on 2023-07-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.

Status changed to: Live Idea

Updated on 2023-07-15

Hey everyone,


Thanks for bringing us your feedback in the Spotify Idea Exchange.


Your suggestion has gathered the votes necessary and your feedback is now reaching the internal teams at Spotify. They're aware of the vote count and popularity of this idea. We'll continue to monitor and check out the comments here, too.


As soon as we have any updates on its status, we'll let you know.


More info on how your feedback reaches Spotify via the Idea Exchange can be found here.


I used this option daily, it was great way to discover new music, so I'm missing it very much. I don't really understand why you keep this for a song or an album but for playlists not... Please bring it back. 



This is now changed to Live Idea.

Well done everyone for commenting and voting! 

For newcomers - please keep voting so there’s no loss of momentum. 


Thank you, @Yordan!


If you just found this idea, please make sure you vote. We have to keep this moving!


it's really awful how long it took for them to even acknowledge this, I'm really hoping we get it back because I really don't want to switch to another app .

Got my fingers crossed. Keep sharing, I got all my coworkers to vote here, remember the power of word to mouth and keep directing people here.

At the end of the day I'd love to actually try the dj and even smart shuffle, but not at the cost of the features them removing. Maybe head might divorce **bleep** and we'll all win in the end.

New features are great, but if the cost is losing the old ones, I'll dip.


@Alpharunt like you I was and am completely prepared to adopt new features but the simple fact is smart shuffle is completely inferior to playlist radio. 


Perhaps most significantly, it is only allowed on your own playlists and doesn’t make suggestions past your playlist length.


I regularly used to find other people’s playlists,  add them to my library, and then use playlist radio for set and forget listening. 


Now I have to save other people’s playlists as my own new playlist to access smart shuffle functionality. 


This workflow is ridiculous as it forces anyone who wants to use smart shuffle to copy the playlist and save as their own creating unnecessary duplicates and ultimately removing listeners from the original playlist creators…

When you finally get smart shuffle working on *your* new playlist it only suggests 1 song for every three in your playlist so thus doesn’t continue past your playlist count.

With playlist radio you could scroll to reveal more suggestions endlessly or if you left it, it would simply auto play endlessly without repeating existing songs. 


Smart shuffle is just **bleep** and poorly thought out. Honesty can’t believe it was implemented as a replacement when it is so severely underwhelming compared to playlist radio. 


New features are meant to progress, enhance or solve problems not remove core functionality with no replacement. 




Just checked today, they've added it back in on desktop! Thank you for listening to the community, Spotify.


Spawn02... thanks for pointing that out!!


For anyone else looking for Playlist Radio on desktop, you need to right click on the playlist in the left column. It's not there in the playlist ... (three dots.)


I hope they are *FINALLY* bring it back and this is not just another found work around. 


PLEASE BRING IT BACK. It helps us discover things and spend more time on app


I loved how after a playlist was done it would start playing music similar to the playlist that finished.  Now, it starts playing songs "recommended for you" and they're the same every time.  I don't want to find a new playlist for my mood every 3 hours I just want the app to do the playlist radio thing it did before.  Much more variety.